H/t reader squodgy:
“Greedy insiders at Cadbury exposed their Company & its heritage to a hostile bid by GM loving food giant KRAFT, who promised jobs would be saved and the historical heritage would be saved.
Now, all production has been shifted to China and Poland, the chocolate has lost its quality, is being proactively boycotted by many previous customers, but global corporations don’t give a toss.This time they went too far for the fruit and nutcases.”
– Malaysian Muslims declare jihad on Cadbury over pork-laced chocolate (RT, May 28, 2014):
Enraged Muslims in Malaysia have called for a holy war or Jihad to be waged on Cadbury after traces of pig DNA were picked up in their chocolates. As a result of the complaint, the company has pulled two of its products from Malaysian shop shelves.
A group of more than 20 Muslim organizations have condemned UK confectionary company Cadbury, saying “it has crossed the line.”
“They have betrayed us Muslims by putting ‘haram’ elements through the foods we consume in our body, to weaken us Muslims,” said Abu Bakar Yahya, chief of Muslim group, Perkasa Selangor, to press at a conference on Tuesday in Kuala Lumpur quoted by Malaymailonline.
Some of the Muslim organizations even called for a Jihad to be declared against Cadbury for its “betrayal.”
Read moreMalaysian Muslims Declare Jihad On Cadbury Over Pork-Laced Chocolate