Who In The Hell Is Brian Deer? … About The Andrew Wakefield Appeal

H/t reader S.M.:

“The second link shows the investigation into who the hell the man who trashed Wakefield is.

It makes worrying reading.

Related info:

Who in the Hell is Brian Deer?… (Bolen Report):

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Friday, March 16th, 2012

To a lot of us in the North American Health Freedom Movement, meeting with the Autism Parents opened up a whole new world of intrigue and manipulation focused at the victims of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  That intrigue and manipulation itself is familiar to us in the Movement, for, as we found out quickly after meeting the Autism Parents, the same predators, operating in the same way, used the same techniques – but this time, simply trying to cover up the fact that Vaccines are causing major worldwide health problems, and not “saving humanity” as the Vaccine Construction” claims.

Of course vaccines cause Autism, and inflict one in six children with neurological disorders.  Yes, Big Pharma lies about that, and yes, of course, the government agencies that “we the people” put in place to stop this sort of thing from happening have been co-opted by the very industry that they are supposed to regulate.  So, what’s new about that?  It is a fact of life here in the United States.  Move on.  Deal with it.

Read moreWho In The Hell Is Brian Deer? … About The Andrew Wakefield Appeal