IDF Chief Reminds Troops Not To Shoot Shirtless People Waving Surrender Flags

Flashback (2009):

Israel’s war crimes in Gaza:

A squad leader said: “At the beginning the directive was to enter a house with an armoured vehicle, to break the door down, to start shooting inside and – I call it murder – to shoot at everyone we identify. In the beginning I asked myself how could this make sense? Higher-ups said it is permissible because everyone left in the city [Gaza City] is culpable because they didn’t run away.”

In one account, an infantry squad leader describes how troops released a family who had been held in a room of their house for several days. He said: “The platoon commander let the family go and told them to go to the right. One mother and her two children didn’t understand and went to the left, but they forgot to tell the sharpshooter on the roof they had let them go and it was okay… The sharpshooter saw a woman and children approaching him. He shot them straight away. I don’t think he felt too bad about it, because, as far as he was concerned, he did his job according to the orders he was given. And the atmosphere in general, from what I understood from most of my men who I talked to, the lives of Palestinians, let’s say, is something very, very less important than the lives of our soldiers.”

A second squad leader, who described the killing of the elderly woman, says he argued with his commander over loose rules of engagement that allowed the clearing out of houses by shooting without warning residents beforehand. After the orders were changed, soldiers had complained that “we should kill everyone there [in the centre of Gaza]. Everyone there is a terrorist.” The squad leader said: “To write ‘death to the Arabs’ on walls, to take family pictures and spit on them, just because you can. I think this is the main thing: To understand how much the IDF has fallen in the realm of ethics.”

Ehud Barak, Israel’s Defence Minister, said: “I say to you that from the chief of staff down to the last soldier, the most moral army in the world stands ready to take orders from the government of Israel. I have no doubt that every incident will be individually examined.”


IDF Chief Reminds Troops Not To Shoot Shirtless People Waving Surrender Flags:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Israeli’s army is “the most moral army in the world,” yet somehow IDF soldiers needed a reminder from their top officer that they’re not supposed to kill people who are surrendering to them.

That refresher lesson was delivered on Sunday by IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, as he visited troops in the Gaza Strip. Notably, his counseling wasn’t prompted by the death of surrendering Hamas militants, but by the IDF’s killing of three Israeli hostages, in an incident that seemed to substantiate critics’ claims that Israel’s Gaza campaign is characterized by a lack of discipline and a reckless disregard for Palestinian life.

The killing of the three hostages on Friday has only grown more troubling as more details have emerged.

  • Two days before the three were killed, the IDF observed crude signs displayed on a nearby building. They said “SOS” in English and “Help, 3 hostages” in Hebrew. Rather than investigating, the troops just assumed it to be a trap.
  • As the hostages tried to find their way into the safe custody of the IDF, one of them was waving a white surrender flag. 
  • All three were not only unarmed but shirtless, which should have negated worries that they were wearing explosive vests
  • When they emerged, a soldier immediately fired on them, killing two and wounding one. The survivor took shelter in a nearby building and called out “help” in Hebrew. A ceasefire was ordered, but when the hostage exited the building, a soldier shot him to death.
These IDF believes the slain hostages used leftover food to write “SOS” and “Help, 3 hostages” on these fabric signs (IDF)

Halevi’s remarks to the soldiers of the IDF’s 99th Division in Gaza drew on some of those details:

“You see two people, they have their hands up and no shirts — take two seconds.”

“And I want to tell you something no less important. What if it is two Gazans with a white flag who come out to surrender? Do we shoot at them? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Even those who fought and now put down their weapons and raise their hands — we capture them, we don’t shoot them.”

Where holding fire on surrendering militants is concerned, Halevi first appealed to military practicality and then to morality.

We extract a lot of intelligence from the prisoners we have; we have over 1,000 already,” he said, before adding, “We don’t shoot them, because the IDF doesn’t shoot a person who raises his hands. This is a strength, not a weakness.”

Israel estimates that 112 living hostages remain in Gaza, with another 20 believed to be dead. “Hopefully, we will have another opportunity where captives will come to us or we will reach a house, and do the right thing,” said Halevi.

The killing of the three hostages is the most severe of several recent blows to the IDF’s reputation. Israeli officials have also been embarrassed by soldiers sharing videos portraying unprofessional conduct — to include genocidal chants, the burning of food, the ransacking of a toy store and singing a Jewish religious song over a mosque loudspeaker.

Dror Sadot, a spokeswoman for Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, affixes the blame to Netanyahu’s government, which is more dominated by ultra-religious and extremist parties than any of its predecessors: “The dehumanization from the top is very much sinking down to the soldiers.”  


Wonder why this has been removed by Sky News?…

Picture Gallery

Source: Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killings (Sky News)


Benjamin Netanyahu in 2019: Israel Must ‘Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas’

Hamas Israel’s own creation (The Times Of Israel)

Flashback (2009):

Ron Paul: Israel Created Hamas (Video)

Ayelet Shaked served as Minister of Interior from 2021 to 2022 and as Minister of Justice from 2015 to 2019. Between 2013 and 2021, she was a representative in the Knesset as a member of The Jewish Home from 2013 to 2018, and then as a founding member of the New Right from 2018 to 2019 and again from 2019 to 2020….
Source: Wikipedia

Bobby Fischer IQ 187…

List of Jewish chess players (Wikipedia):

Similarly, Bobby Fischer, the highest rated player in history when he became world champion in 1972, is believed to have had two Jewish parents, although Fischer himself was antisemitic and strongly denied having a Jewish identity.

Jewish Virtual Library:

Fischer’s mother was Jewish

Brother Nathanael: Why I Left Judaism (Video):



Uploaded on I. U. between 2012-2016…


WW3 is coming, as predicted…

“It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

More information (for new readers) below.

The outstanding German seer Alois Irlmaier foresaw this around 1950…

“It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

– Alois Irlmaier


The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”


Alois Irlmaier around 1950…

Google translation:

“At the time, Irlmaier was a frequent guest of the G. family on Lake Chiemsee. The then young G. reports that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake ‘before’. The USA is particularly affected. With us, the earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine Graben. The tremors can also be felt ‘here’ (i.e. in Bavaria). There would still be aftershocks during the Russian campaign, and they were of such magnitude that both offensive and defensive operations suffered.”

“With his parents he could already do the above. Mr G. heard the following statements from Irlmaier:

‘It starts with a war in the Middle East.’

‘The spheres of influence and areas of interest of the USA and Russia are colliding: there are already minor skirmishes.’

‘US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest.’

‘The American President is assassinated, and the Vice President immediately declares war on Russia.

At practically the same hour, huge numbers of Russian tanks were rolling west on the autobahn near Passau. The people of Passau are petrified with surprise and horror.’

“In the south, tens of thousands of Austrians are fleeing on both lanes of the autobahn from Salzburg in the direction of Munich.”

‘The Russians use their tanks to push escape vehicles out of the way on the autobahn west of Passau and drive at high speed in the direction of the Rhine.’

‘After three to four days the westerly wind picks up and western planes drop so much ‘yellow dust’ in a strip between Salzburg and the Baltic Sea that it becomes dark underneath. Nobody survives in Vienna.’ “

“The remnants of the Bundeswehr – completely surprised and taken by surprise – flee, the weapons are thrown away, trucks and the few ready-to-use tanks are left standing in panic.”

‘Denver will be incinerated from a submarine.’

‘Russians land in Alaska.’

‘There is a second moon in the sky.’

‘Three days of darkness. Nobody survives in northern Germany.’

‘No massive famine after the war, because many didn’t survive at all.’”

German original:

„Irlmaier war seinerzeit bei der Familie Gärtner am Chiemsee häufiger Gast. Der damals junge G. berichtet, Irlmaier habe gesagt, es gebe ‚vorher’ ein weltweites Erdbeben. Betroffen seien vor allem die USA. Bei uns wären die Beben am stärksten entlang des Rheingrabens.

‚Hier’ (also in Bayern) seien die Beben aber auch zu spüren. Während des russischen Feldzuges gäbe es noch immer Nachbeben, und zwar in solcher Stärke, daß sowohl die Angriffs- als auch die Verteidigungsoperationen darunter litten.“

„Bei seinen Eltern konnte der bereits o. a. Herr G. folgende Aussagen von Irlmaier hören:

‚Es geht los mit einem Krieg im Nahen Osten.‘

‚Die Einflußsphären und Interessengebiete der USA und Rußlands stoßen aneinander: Es gibt bereits kleinere Gefechte.‘

‚Friedenskonferenz USA/Rußland in Budapest.‘

‚Der amerikanische Präsident wird ermordet, daraufhin erklärt der Vizepräsident Rußland sofort den Krieg.

Praktisch zur gleichen Stunde schon rollen auf der Autobahn bei Passau ungeheure Mengen russischer Panzer nach Westen. Die Einwohner von Passau sind erstarrt vor Überraschung und Entsetzen.‘

‚Im Süden fliehen die Österreicher auf beiden Spuren der Autobahn von Salzburg Richtung München zu Zehntausenden in heller Flucht.‘

‚Die Russen schieben mit ihren Panzern auf der Autobahn westlich Passau Fluchtfahrzeuge aus dem Weg und fahren großer Geschwindigkeit Richtung Rhein.‘

‚Nach drei bis vier Tagen setzt der Westwind ein und westliche Flugzeuge werfen zwischen Salzburg und Ostsee in einem Streifen soviel ‚gelben Staub‘ ab, daß es darunter finster wird. In Wien überlebt niemand.‘

‚Die Reste der Bundeswehr – völlig überrascht und überrumpelt – fliehen, man wirft die Waffen weg, läßt in Panik LKWs und die paar einsatzbereiten Panzer stehen.‘

‚Von einem U-Boot aus wird Denver eingeäschert.‘

‚Russen landen in Alaska.‘

‚Am Himmel steht ein zweiter Mond.‘

‚Drei Tage Finsternis. In Norddeutschland überlebt niemand.‘

‚Keine massive Hungersnot nach dem Krieg, denn viele haben gar nicht überlebt.‘“

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