#GrandSolarMinimum Update 3/31/18 – Easter Snow – Record Low Saskatchewan Spring – Deadly Hail (Video)


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13 thoughts on “#GrandSolarMinimum Update 3/31/18 – Easter Snow – Record Low Saskatchewan Spring – Deadly Hail (Video)”

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5567013/Tornado-jets-axed-RAF-line-against-ISIS.html

    Tornado jets are to be AXED from the RAF even though the fighter-bombers are still on the front line against ISIS in Syria every day
    Budget pressures mean that the iconic Tornado fighter-bombers will be axed
    The jets will be replaced by 12 F-35B aircraft, although it is just one squadron
    The Tornado GR4s currently are in Syria, where they are on frontline everyday

    “Replaced with lemons”

  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5567369/Boy-two-cancer-wakes-coma-parents-agree-turn-life-support.html?mrn_rm=rta-fallback

    Boy, two, hit by cancer stuns his family by waking up from coma after they agreed to turn off his life support and now he has been sent home healthy
    Little Dylan Askin from Derby contracted a one-in-ten-million lung cancer
    His parents made the decision to have his life support machine turned off
    But moments before his heart rate began to stabilise and two years on he has beaten his cancer entirely


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