– Globalists Seek to Scuttle Brexit:
The New World Order elite just won’t let the British put Britain first.
The British “Brexit” vote, cast June 23, 2016, provided a clear indication of the populist revolt that’s been simmering for several years. But as the European Union (EU) tightens its despotic grip even more on the economic and political destinies of Europe’s peoples, the British exit from the EU could get delayed or even scuttled.
Brexit refers to the national referendum that passed in the United Kingdom (UK) that calls on the country to leave the EU.
A key factor is that the Bilderberg-nurtured EU superstate, which had 28 members at the time of the Brexit vote, is completing long-planned fiscal and banking unions to centralize its powers. Bilderberg is the shadowy group of global elites who gather every year behind locked and guarded doors in five-star resorts to discuss, debate, and ultimately influence the most pressing issues of the day.
European Council President Donald Tusk—whose cooperation is indispensable if British voters ever want a real chance at getting out of the EU—recently addressed European Parliament members about a recent EU summit, telling the MEPs: “It is in fact up to London how this will end, with a good deal, no deal, or no Brexit.”
H/t reader squodgy:
“The Rothschild Establishment will throw every conceivable spanner in the works to slow or stop progress of Brexit.
Similarly they will perpetually resurrect the Trans-Pacific Partnership despite Trump kicking it into the long grass.
They rule, and it is up to us to trip them up by NOT BEING DIVIDED.
They create division, we must be better.”
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Here’s yet another way they plan to fudge Brexit.
Ireland cannot trade economically without using England as a free trade route to Europe.
So now we are made to feel responsible for the Irish. Tell that to the bloody Romans….it was they who pushed them there!