Marc Faber Responds To Racism Accusations

Marc Faber Responds To Racism Accusations

Having been forced off the boards of Sprott, NovaGold, and Ivanhoe mines and excommunicated from mainstream business media following his comments earlier in the week, Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report writer Marc Faber responds to his racism allegations…

“I have been labeled by the mainstream media as a racist – I don’t think this corresponds at all with reality.

I wrote a report about capitalism and socialism and about private property rights, and I also wrote about the tendency nowadays to want to rewrite history.

In the US they are trying to tear down statues of people who had a different view from other people at the time… they also tried to tear down statues of Columbus..

I think that when you have civilization, when you have culture, you should remember your past.

Our past – the white man – has certainly not been glorious, it’s been very cruel with the periods of imperialism and colonialism being very cruel.

But the fact is that the white man and the Europeans brought a lot of skills and knowledge and a work ethic that built a very prosperous society… until very recently.

I think that to try to deny the fact that the western white man made America great is just not right and for that reason I was attacked very badly.”

The conversation then continues to discuss cultural clashes, skin color, religion, confederate statues, African repression, capitalism, gold, bitcoin, Hillary Clinton, the swamp, President Trump, and America’s military-industrial complex running foreign policy.

We suspect Faber’s reponse will do him no favors in this age of ever-increasing virtue-signaling, but he has at least clarified his perspective.

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