Former Facebook Exec Warns Society Will Collapse Within 30 Years As Robots Steal Half Of All Jobs

Former Facebook Exec Warns Society Will Collapse Within 30 Years As Robots Steal Half Of All Jobs:

“Within 30 years, half of humanity won’t have a job. It could get ugly. There could be a revolution.

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4 thoughts on “Former Facebook Exec Warns Society Will Collapse Within 30 Years As Robots Steal Half Of All Jobs”

  1. It seems we’re well down the road to societal collapse, with extensive government hand-outs, hidden >20% unemployment, de-industrialisation,>30% poverty, militarised police everywhere, media propagandised disinformation or total avoidance of truth reporting,

    Add to that mess the continued relentless warmongering, the coming food shortage issues linked to climate and climate interference and a probable compounding via the grand solar minimum.

    Plus the relentless slick marketing of consumerism leading to millennials continuing the erroneous 70’s through 90’s prioritising of fashion as against essential items.

    Stir that lot up and add the long term effects of dumbing down, vaccine poisoning, gut rotting GMO “food”, and finally the wealth disparity, and there will be trouble because the peasants are soon to be revolting.


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