David Icke in 2012: Japan Is Over – Fukushima, How & Why It Happened – “Fukushima Was Blown Up On Purpose” (Video)



H/t reader kevin a.

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9 thoughts on “David Icke in 2012: Japan Is Over – Fukushima, How & Why It Happened – “Fukushima Was Blown Up On Purpose” (Video)”

  1. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/02/08/hilarious-renewables-wont-work-even-if-climate-claims-are-true/
    Hilarious: Renewables Won’t Work – Even If Climate Claims are True
    Imagine for a moment that all the wild claims of climate driven future weather disasters will occur as predicted. In this imaginary future climate dystopia, how will wind power cope with super storms? How will solar power cope with hail, tornadoes, cyclones and floods? How will hydro power cope with endless droughts? How will biofuel crops cope with storm damage, droughts and unseasonal heatwaves?

  2. Has Icke plaguerised Jim Stone?

    I think Icke is a genius dot joiner, but Stone was definitely first with the Dimona Dozen connection.

    Not that it’s relevant at the end of the day.

    Any more Iodine anyone?


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