Tasman Valley Milky Way, New Zealand (Click on image to enlarge!)
Fifty-fourth donation in 2016.
Infinite Unknown reader D.W. donated $15.
Thank you for your continuing support!
Very much needed and appreciated.
* * *
Donations in October: $90, £25
Donations in September: $20, £25, $100 (AUD)
Donations in August: $175, £25, €3
Donations in July: $55, £25, €25
Donations in June: $60, £50, €30, $10 (AUD)
Donations in May: $85, £25, $10 (AUD)
Donations in April: $75, £25, $50 (CAD), $10 (AUD)
Donations in March: $30, £25, $10 (AUD)
Donations in February: $245, £25
Donations in January: $85, £25
* * *
Donations in 2016: $920, £275, €58, $50 (CAD), $140 (AUD)
* * *
PayPal: Donate in USD
PayPal: Donate in EUR
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PayPal: Donate in AUD
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