– Security Agent Tells FBI What It Was Really Like To Work With Hillary Clinton:
While there have been recent narratives by security agents detailing what life was like working closely with Hillary Clinton as their boss, most of these have made it to the public in book format, and as such one assumes they took certain liberties to embellish the narrative and spicy up the plot. One such example is Ronald Kessler who has written several books about the Secret Service, even though claims about Clinton mistreating agents in private are numerous.
However, today for the first time, courtesy of the latest release of 100 pages of FBI “302” documents, we now have an on the record interview with a former, unnamed female member of Hillary security detail who belonged to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and who reveals a truly “deplorable” picture of what having Hillary Clinton as your boss was like.
According to the agent’s testimony, Clinton didn’t just treat agents poorly. She reportedly disrespected U.S. ambassadors with her routine breaches of diplomatic protocol.
“From her own experience, and information obtained through [Redacted] and other agents, [Redacted] described a “stark difference” between RICE and CLINTON with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols. RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and “blatantly” disregarded them.
For example, it is standard security and diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to ride in the armored limousine with the local U.S. ambassador when traveling in countries abroad. It is seen as diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to arrive at foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador; however, CLINTON refused to do so, instead choosing to be accompanied in the limousine by her Chief of Staff, HUMA ABEDIN. This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were “abundant.”
The agent also admitted that Clinton treated agents rudely and with contempt, and was so unpleasant that senior agents typically avoided being on her security detail.
“[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere. Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”
She also added that she had “at least one conversation with Secret Service agents who experienced the same poor treatment.”
Confirming that Hillary’s affair with a fawning press had gone on for years, in her former Diplomatic Security agent said that she and her peers felt Clinton “traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support. It was also believed that CLINTON disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.”
In other words, if you wanted to cover and be close to Hillary, you had to be ready to portray her in a positive light all the time or else risk you “access” to the Secretary of State.
Finally, there was Hillary’s double standard when it came to, drumroll, having a Blackberry in the State Department:
By DS security policy, no cell phones are allowed inside the SCIF and DS agents, officers, and staff are required to leave their cell phones outside the door in secure lockers. CLINTON refused to abide to this security requirement and brought her cell phone, believed to be a Blackberry, inside the SCIF where a DS agent assigned to Post 1 was required to guard it. DS agents were indignant that they were required to follow security policy but CLINTON made herself exempt from the same regulations.
The full interview with the [Redacted] agent from the latest FBI document dump, is presented in its entirety below.
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On September 2, 2015 [Redacted] a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Norfolk Virginia, was interviewed at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, provided the following information:
[Redacted] was previously an agent with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). [Redacted] left DS in approximately [Redacted] spouse, [Redacted] I was also a prior DS agent who, from 2007-2009, served as an Assistant Shift Leader on former Secretary of State CONDOLEEZZA RICE’s and HILLARY CLINTON’s protective details. [Redacted] I served briefly on former Secretary CLINTON’s protective detail in 2009. From her own experience, and information obtained through [Redacted] and other agents, [Redacted] described a “stark difference” between RICE and CLINTON with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols. RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and “blatantly” disregarded them. For example, it is standard security and diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to ride in the armored limousine with the local U.S. ambassador when traveling in countries abroad. It is seen as diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to arrive at foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador; however, CLINTON refused to do so, instead choosing to be accompanied in the limousine by her Chief of Staff, HUMA ABEDIN. This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were “abundant.”
[Redacted] explained that ABEDIN possessed “much more power” over CLINTON’S staff and schedule than other former chiefs of staff. [Redacted] believed that ABEDIN herself was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols on behalf of CLINTON.
On a trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, in early 2009, CLINTON requested to visit an area of Jakarta that presented security and safety challenges. This visit was reportedly for a photo opportunity regarding CLINTON’s “clean cooking stoves” initiative. The DS advance team recommended against traveling to this area because the route could not be secured and was lined with dangerous circumstances and individuals. As such, the DS advance team recommended in writing that this excursion be stricken from the schedule but were told by DS management that it was going to happen because “she wanted it.” DS agents felt this excursion into potentially hostile areas placed CLINTON, her staff, the media, and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for “her election campaign.” DS agents had the perception that CLINTON was using her position as Secretary of State to campaign for President of the United States. DS agents felt CLINTON traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support. It was also believed that CLINTON disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.
CLINTON traveled in an armored vehicle whose passenger windows do not open. This is a design feature for the protectiOn of the occupants. However, the driver’s window does open slightly. On one occasion while travelin to Palestine CLINTON ordered the limousine driver, believed to be [Redacted] to open the window while in “occupied territory”, referring to a dangerous area of the West Bank. [Redacted] initially declined to respond to CLINTON’s request; however, repeated demands by CLINTON forced him to open his window despite the danger to himself and the occupants.
[Redacted} explained that security and diplomatic breaches were often communicated from the foreign post back to the Department of State via cables from the Regional Security officer (RSO). These cables often described incidents like those described above. recommended interviewing current and former RSOs from foreign posts visited by CLINTON during her tenure for more detail into these and similar events.
Early in CLINTON’s tenure as Secretary of State, she and her staff were observed removing lamps and furniture from the State Department which were transported to her residence in Washington, D.C.[Redacted] does not know whether these items were ever returned to the government upon CLINTON’s departure from the State Department.
Despite having her own DS security detail, CLINTON continued to utilize a Secret Service security detail while at her residence in Chappaqua, New York. DS security would meet Secret Service security at the airport in New York and turn over protection to them. This practice was unknown to DS prior to CLINTON’s tenure and often presented logistical problems to both services. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere. Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her. [Redacted] claimed to have had at least one conversation with Secret Service agents who experienced the same poor treatment.
Inside CLINTON’s office at the Department of State there is a security checkpoint known as “Post 1.” Post 1 is staffed by a uniformed DS officer and a DS agent and provides security to CLINTON’s inner office. CLINTON’s office is a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and Post 1 is located within that SCIF. By DS security policy, no cell phones are allowed inside the SCIF and DS agents, officers, and staff are required to leave their cell phones outside the door in secure lockers. CLINTON refused to abide to this security requirement and brought her cell phone, believed to be a Blackberry, inside the SCIF where a DS agent assigned to Post 1 was required to guard it. DS agents were indignant that they were required to follow security policy but CLINTON made herself exempt from the same regulations.
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