– Anyone who says we’re enduring “unprecedented global warming” is lying or woefully misinformed:
It is colder right now than throughout almost all of history.
Look at this chart. The blue line shows temperatures for the past 600 million years.
Look at the far right side of the chart (today), and you’ll see that blue line plunge to its lowest point in almost 250 million years.
There have been only two periods in the past 600 million years when it has been colder than today.
Right now, today, we are living through one of the coldest periods in geologic history. The last few year’s minor rise in temperature is too minuscule to even show up on the chart.
Anyone who says we’re enduring “unprecedented global warming” is lying or woefully misinformed.
Are you listening, Al Gore?
Graph from “Climate and the Carboniferous Period”
http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.htmlThanks to Guy (Terra Hertz) for this link
“There’s simply no way for AGW and this chart to both be true,” says Guy. “Anyone who says they can’t see the fundamental incompatibility is either lying or retarded.”
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