NBC News reported the following:
A Black Lives Matter activist disrupted a fundraiser for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last night in South Carolina, calling into question the candidate’s rhetoric on race and criminal justice.
Ashley Williams began her demonstration at the $500 a plate event, revealing a sign to guests that read, “we have to bring them to heel.” The quote is from the speech Hillary Clinton delivered in New Hampshire in January 1996 when she told an audience at Keene State College that, “these are not just gangs of kids anymore, they are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators. No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Now watch the video in all it’s glory:
Good thing security intervened. Hillary looked like she was about to tear this girl’s heart out and eat it raw.
For more on Hillary’s “super predator” reference, read the following:
Must Read – “Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote”
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
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