I have mentioned many times that the TPTB, the Illuminati (The Rothschilds and the other 12 elite families), have WW3 planned for us.
They control all sides. Putin, Obama, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Merkel, Cameron are all elite puppets.
WW2 has been a staged event…
…and so will be WW3.
More info down below.
Related info:
– The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):
“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”
And now that Turkey and the Saudis are asking for trouble (and nobody would be that stupid, unless he is told to be that stupid), here is a vision from a nun, Erna Stieglitz (1894–1965):
“Im Sommer, wahrscheinlich im Monat Juli, wenn die Erdölregion bereits in ziemlich festen sowjetischen Händen ist, erfolgt der Angriff der Sowjetunion auf die Süd- und Nordflanke, auf die Türkei, auf Griechenland, auf Jugoslawien und auf Skandinavien. Ende Juli stoßen die
sowjetischen Angriffskeile blitzartig gegen Westeuropa vor. “
Loose translation:
“During summertime, probably in the month of July, when the oil region will already be in Russian hands, the attack of the Soviet Union on the southern and the northern flank, on Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia and Scandinavia will take place.
At the end of July (consistent with Irlmaier’s prediction) the Soviet attacking armies start a Blitzkrieg against Western Europe.”
According to her there will be a (full) nuclear exchange, not at the beginning, but later on during the war.
Here are some of her predictions in German (Google translation down below.)
Erna Stieglitz war Mitglied im Orden des heiligen Franziskus. In ihrer Klause erlebte sie ihre Visionen über den 3. Weltkrieg und das Ende dieser Zivilisation. Von ihr sind folgende Vorhersagen bekannt:
Niederbrennung von Paris durch aufständische Franzosen Paris wird von den aufständischen Franzosen selbst in Brand gesteckt.Flucht des Papstes aus Rom, 200 Tage Abwesenheit Der Papst muß aus Rom fliehen, wohin er nach zweihundert Tagen wieder zurückkehrt.Unterschiedliche Erziehung und Ziele im Westen und Osten Der Stand der Technik eröffnet zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit, die ganze Welt von einem Machtzentrum aus zu beherrschen. Während im Westen Bequemlichkeit und Weichheit, Wohlstand und Luxus obenan stehen, bereitet sich der Osten vor, erzieht zur Entbehrung, stählt seine Völker, sorgt für Nachwuchs und Waffen.Stärkung der Flanken vor dem Angriff in Westeuropa Nach den Gesetzen der klassischen Militärstrategie stärken die Russen ihre Flanken, bevor sie in der Mitte, das heißt gegen Westeuropa vorstoßen. Sie muß an den Flanken unverwundbar sein. Die Südflanke heißt: Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, Türkei, Griechenland, Jugoslawien.
Die Nordflanke heißt: Finnland, Schweden, Norwegen, Dänemark.
Bis zur bayerischen Grenze wird eine russische Weitspurbahn herangeführt.Nach russ. Einnahme der Erdölregion Angriff an den Süd- und Nordflanken In einem Sommer, wahrscheinlich im Monat Juli, wenn die Erdölregion bereits in ziemlich festen russischen Händen ist, erfolgt der Angriff der Sowjetunion auf die Süd- und Nordflanke, auf die Türkei, auf Griechenland, auf Jugoslawien und Skandinavien.Angriffsmonat gegen Westeuropa Gegen Ende Juli stoßen sowjetische Angriffskeile blitzartig gegen Westeuropa vor. Anfang August werden die eingedrungenen russischen Panzerarmeen in Mittelfrankreich, vermutlich um Lyon, und wenig später bei Ulm vernichtet.Angriff der Russen auf Alaska Mitte August greifen sowjetische Eliteeinheiten Alaska an.Todesstreifen, atomare Zerstörung Prags, Zerstörung russ. Panzer in Westfalen In Europa kommt es zum Abwurf einer radioaktiv strahlenden gelben Wand.
Prag wird atomar zerstört.
Ungefähr um dieselbe Zeit werden die sowjetischen Panzereinheiten des Nordkeils in Westfalen eingekesselt und fast völlig aufgerieben. Die Sowjets sind in Westeuropa in die Verteidigung gedrängt.Atomarer Raketenangriff auf USA-Städte, atomarer Gegenschlag auf Russland Als Rache erfolgt der atomare Gegenschlag gegen alle Städte der USA. Gleichzeitig schlagen die USA atomar zurück. Weite Teile der Sowjetunion und die letzten sowjetischen Raketensilos werden zerstört. Als Folge dieses Ereignisses kommt es in der Sowjetunion zu einer Gegenrevolution, die das bisherige System stürzt.Zerstörung vieler französischer und deutscher Städte durch russ. Atomuboote Im September gibt es den letzten verzweifelten Versuch sowjetischer Unterseeboot-Einheiten, Europa atomar zu verwüsten. Bei diesem Angriff werden viele französische und deutsche Städte in ein Flammenmeer verwandelt.Nach blitzartiger Besetzung Skandinaviens Angriff Panzerschlachten in der Türkei und im Iran Auf die blitzartige Besetzung aller militärischen Basen in Skandinavien folgt ein zweiter Flankenangriff gegen die Türkei. Dort und im Iran finden Panzerschlachten statt. Der Russe bemüht sich, möglichst rasch durch den Balkan zur Adria vorzudringen.
Der Mittelangriff gegen Westeuropa erfolgt in drei gewaltigen Stoßkeilen.
- Der erste wird aus dem Raum Stettin-Berlin nach Lübeck, Hamburg und in die Niederlande vorstoßen,
- der zweite aus dem Raum Sachsen und Dresden ins Ruhrgebiet.
- Der dritte Stoßkeil wird aus Böhmen nach Bayern hereinbrechen und zum Oberrhein streben. Eine unvorstellbare Masse von Panzern rollt an den Bergketten der Schweiz vorbei bis hinunter nach Lyon.
Nato-Verteidigungsräume Die NATO-Truppen sind auf wenige Verteidigungsräume zusammengedrängt. Die meisten Gebiete sind von der Roten Armee längst überrollt und besetzt. Die Verteidigungsräume heißen: Ruhrgebiet und Niederlande, sodann Bayern, die Alpen und die Schweiz sowie das Rhonegebiet.
Außerdem wird es Verteidigungsräume in Oberitalien und in der Türkei geben.Vernichtende russ. Niederlage, hohe Menschenverluste Der Angriff der Roten Armee in Europa wird gebrochen, mehr noch, die russische Armee wird vernichtend geschlagen. Die Sowjetunion verliert allein in ihren Heeressäulen sieben Millionen Menschen; ein hoher Blutzoll für ein Volk, das eben in Massen vom dialektischen Materialismus abgefallen war und wieder zu glauben begonnen hatte.Rolle katholischer Länder im Abwehrkampf gegen die Russen Die katholischen, in den Augen der Sowjetunion reaktionären Länder haben in diesem letzten Kampf eine entscheidende Aufgabe. Bayerische und österreichische, schweizerische und französische Truppen werden nach den Vernichtungsschlachten bei Lyon und Ulm nach Norden vorstoßen, um sich an der Schlacht gegen die dort eingekreisten russischen und preußischen Verbände zu beteiligen.Duell mit Atomwaffen, totaler atomarer Krieg Erst gegen Ende dieses verhältnismäßig kurzen Krieges kommt es zum Duell mit Atomwaffen. Und schließlich zum totalen atomaren Krieg. Seine verheerenden Auswirkungen entziehen sich jeder Beschreibung.Übelste Zustände südlich der Donau und in Mittelbayern vor den 3 finsteren Tagen Südlich der Donau gibt es atomare Explosionen, hinter der Grenze am unteren Inn fürchterliche Zerstörungen, ebenso am Oberlauf der Donau. Teilweise bis in die oberbayerisch-salzburgischen Alpen herein kommen die Truppen über Österreich und Jugoslawien.
Bei Ulm gibt es eine gigantische Kesselschlacht gegen die Ostarmee, die ihren Südkeil der Donaulinie entlang zur Schweiz und nach Frankreich vorgetrieben hat.
Die größte Gefahr für das Gebiet, das von den Städten Mindelheim und Altötting, Pfaffenhofen und Weilheim begrenzt wird, also für Mittelbayern, besteht in den Zerstörungen; Terrorismus, Plünderung, Brandstiftung, Mord kehrt wieder, die Gesetzlosigkeit. Hungernde Großstädter werden zu Räubern an den Bauern! Bewaffnete Banden ziehen durchs Land, Fanatiker, Mörder, Psychopaten, Mob. Es ist ein nie vorher, außer vielleicht im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, dagewesener Schrecken.Und endlich dann die Giftwolke, die auch hier ein Drittel der Menschheit dahinrafft.
Google translation:
Erna Stieglitz was a member of the Order of St. Francis. In their hermitage they experienced their visions about the 3rd World War and the end of this civilization. From her following predictions are known:
Burning of Paris by insurgent French Paris is stuck from the rebellious French themselves on fire.Escape the Pope from Rome, 200 days’ absence The Pope had to flee from Rome, where he returns after two hundred days.Different education and targets in the West and East The prior art opened for the first time the opportunity to rule the whole world from one center of power. While in the West convenience and softness, wealth and luxury are at the top, the Eastern prepares, educates the deprivation toughens its peoples, ensures young and weapons.Strengthening the flanks before the attack in Western Europe According to the laws of classical military strategy the Russians strengthen their flanks before they advance into the middle, that is towards Western Europe. You must be invulnerable on the flanks. The southern flank is: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia.
The northern flank is: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.
Until the Bavarian border Russian Far gauge railway is brought.After russ. Taking the oil region attack on the southern and northern flanks In summer, probably in July, when the oil region is already in pretty solid Russian hands, carried out the attack by the Soviet Union to the south and north flank, to Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia and Scandinavia.Attack month against Western Europe The end of July Soviet attack wedges encounter lightning action against Western Europe. In early August, the invading Russian tank armies in central France, presumably to Lyon, and destroyed little in Ulm later.Russian attack on Alaska In mid-August attack Soviet elite units Alaska.Death strip, atomic destruction of Prague, destruction russ. Panzer in Westfalen In Europe it comes to shedding a radioactively radiating yellow wall.
Prague is atomically destroyed.
About the same time the Soviet armored units of the North wedge are encircled in Westphalia and almost completely wiped out. The Soviets are forced into Western Europe in the defense.Atomic rocket attack on US cities, nuclear retaliation on Russia When Revenge of nuclear retaliation made ??against all the cities of the United States. At the same time the US hit back atomically. Large parts of the Soviet Union and the last Soviet missile silos are destroyed. As a result of this event occurs in the Soviet Union to a counter-revolution, which crashes the previous system.Destruction of many French and German cities by russ. Atomuboote In September there is the last desperate attempt of Soviet submarine units, atomic ravage Europe. In this attack, many French and German towns are transformed into a sea of ??flames.After lightning Instrumentation Scandinavia attack tank battles in Turkey and Iran In the lightning occupation of all military bases in Scandinavia followed by a second flank attack against Turkey. There and in Iran are held tank battles. The Russian endeavor as quickly as possible to advance through the Balkans to the Adriatic.
The middle attack against Western Europe takes place in three huge shock wedges.
- The first is to advance from the Stettin-Berlin to Lübeck, Hamburg and in the Netherlands,
- the second from the area of Saxony and Dresden to the Ruhr area.
- The third spearhead will break from Bohemia to Bavaria and strive for the Upper Rhine. An unimaginable mass of tanks rolled to the mountain ranges of Switzerland past down to Lyon.
NATO Defense Facilities The NATO forces are concentrated on a few defensive spaces. Most areas have long been overrun and occupied by the Red Army. The Defense Facilities hot: Ruhrgebiet and the Netherlands, then Bavaria, the Alps, Switzerland and the Rhone area.
There will also be defending spaces in northern Italy and in Turkey.Devastating russ. Defeat, high casualties The attack of the Red Army in Europe will be broken, even more, the Russian army is destroyed. The Soviet Union lost alone in their army columns seven million people; a high death toll for a nation that had fallen just in masses from dialectical materialism and began again to believe.Role of Catholic countries in the defense against the Russians The Catholic, reactionary in the eyes of the Soviet Union countries have in this last fight a crucial task. Bavarian and Austrian, Swiss and French troops will advance to the death battles at Lyon and Ulm north to be in the battle against the there circled Russian and Prussian associations to participate.Duel with nuclear weapons, total nuclear war Only towards the end of this relatively short war it comes to a duel with nuclear weapons. Finally, the total atomic war. Its devastating effects defy description.Worst states south of the Danube and sinister in central Bavaria to 3 days South of the Danube there are atomic explosions across the border at the bottom Inn terrible destruction, as the upper reaches of the Danube. In some cases up to the Upper Bavarian Alps Salzburgian join the troops on Austria and Yugoslavia.
In Ulm, there is a gigantic cauldron battle against the Eastern Army, which has propelled her Südkeil the Danube line along with Switzerland and France.
The greatest danger for the area bounded by the towns Mindelheim and Altoetting, Oberpfaffenhofen and Weilheim, ie for Central Bavaria, consists in the destruction; Terrorism, looting, arson, murder returns, lawlessness. Starving urbanites become robbers to the farmers! Armed gangs through the country, fanatics, murderers, psychopaths, Mob. It is a never before, except perhaps in the Thirty Years’ War, before seen horrors.And finally the poison cloud that gathers a third of humanity here.
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Obama and Putin are both Rothschild/Illuminati puppets …
… and Freemasons:
Masonic handshakes …
Obama’s masonic ring:
Other signs …
* * *
I’ve commented here:
Trying to blame Putin for aiming at EU disintegration, the migrant crisis and even the war in Syria, instead of the proxy army of the CIA (& the Mossad), i.e. ISIS and Al-CIAda (there never have been any moderate rebels), that has been sent into Syria by our government to topple Assad, just like they’ve sent them into Libya before to get rid of Gaddafi, is a bad joke.
However, Putin is a Freemason and a Rothschild puppet just like Obama (see information at the end of the article.)
We’re all finding ourselves in a global game of chess right now, where the Rothschilds/Illuminati play both (or better all) sides.
We are still in the opening, which is called “The Dragon’s Route To WW3 And The Coming Depopulation Of The Chessboard”, with “Divide et Impera” tactics being deployed all over the chessboard.
Everybody will suffer except some of them. (The Rothschilds are NOT the top of the pyramid, though it is not so easy to name one who is higher ranked.)
We, the people, have decided to just watch them play their game, as we have allowed them to take over all of the most important positions of power.
We on the other hand have given our power away and are responsible for the mess we are in, because we have allowed it to happen.
At the very least we could refuse to play their game. The moment they cannot play their game with us anymore, it’s game over.
The Illuminati (The Rotschilds and the 12 other elite families) were behind the French revolution, the Russian revolution, WW1, WW2 (another staged event!) and now we are en route to WW3.
During WW3 an event has been predicted to take place, that will stop all combat operations immediately.
* * *
The side who will be “winning” in the global game of chess, has been chosen to be “winning” by TPTB.
In reality nobody is winning, except TPTB (so far, but that will change, sadly only after WW3).
The people “are planned” to be losing (by TPTB) their sanity, their integrity, their civil rights, their assets, their humanity, their spirituality and then most of them will lose their lives this time.
Which is why “We Are On Our Own”. (For more info visit this link.)
Before WW3 there will be the migrant crisis, hyperinflation and the financial/economic collapse taking place.
Then comes the revolution & civil war and shortly thereafter comes WW3 and during WW3 will come the “3 Days Of Darkness” (which I will explain further in another article) and those 3 days will kill an enormous amount of people.
The “3 Days Of Darkness” have been predicted by many of the greatest seers of all time and by many not so well known ones too.
This is from Alois Irlmaier:
“…During the war the big darkness comes, which lasts 72 hours.” “It will become dark at a day during the war. Then a hail impact, consting of lightning and thunder, breaks out and an earthquake vibrates the earth. Please do not go out of the house at that time. The lights do not burn, except candle light, the current stops. Who inhales the dust, gets a cramp and dies. Do not open the windows, cover it completely with black paper. All open-standing water become poisonous and also all open-standing meals, which are not in locked doses. Also no meals in glasses, because they would not cover it up completely. Outside the death by dust goes around, many humans die. After 72 hours everything is over. But again: Do not go out of the house, do not look out of the windows, and keep the candle light burning. And pray. Overnight there will die more humans than in the two world wars before.”
“…Do not open a window during during the 72 hours. The rivers will have so few water that you can easily pass them. The cattle falls, the grass becomes yellow and dry, the dead humans will become quite yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east.”
Isn’t it interesting that the Illuminati stage an economic collapse, revolution, civil war and WW3 just before The “3 Days Of Darkness”, where your life depends upon airtight windows (or at least windows that keep the dust particles from a heavenly object, that has been predicted by many seers, incl. Irlmaier, outside)?
What lies ahead of us has been predicted by many seers. As much as I hope that it will not come to this, I can clearly see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place that will make this become a reality.
And here is another warning:
In the the times ahead most people will just know themselves, theft, looting, rape and a crime level of epic proportions will be the norm.
But it will eventually be over and much, much better times are ahead.
Prepare to be able to live like people lived in around 1800/ 1850 for a while.
Preparedness, i.e. food, water, seeds, survival gear, gold, silver, weapons, knowledge, skills, a self-sufficient lifestyle, real friends and real family are of the utmost importance.
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Sooner or later the internet will go down. Remember what I’ve told you. Print it out, write it down.
And please support my work.
I am very, very lucky if I earn $1.50 per hour of work (in any given month). Sometimes it’s much, much less.
And that is not taking into consideration that the website is not floating for free on the internet.
I support you, so please support me, or I really have to change the way I am doing this.
Maybe I have to resort to just posting a headline and then providing only a link to the news article, which will still keep you informed and will safe me an enormous amount of time.
The website however would look like a desert.
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I had a vision at the end of ww2 after I left Singapore of the end. Not nice for a child. Destruction , turmoil, 97% dead, then peace reigns.
your post is on 2016. Now is the year 2023, on september.
Russia is invading Ukraine, Russia is fighting a global proxy war with the entire nato collective west, and there’s geopolitical and geoeconomical tectonic shift since BRICS+ Summit in August.
petrodollar system is no more, also USD status as de facto world reserve currency. Consensus from the last BRICS+ Summit is start to taking effect, and now is autumn.
and winter is coming. USA, Canada, and UK right now is in serious financial and economy crisis, and US is predicted to get hyperinflation, Weimar style.
Immigrant crisis is already there, in Aussie, Cannada, USA, UK, and almost of all EU countries.
according to Stieglitz view, we’re already in first phase of it, “socio-economic crisises”, immigrant crisis, street crime crisis, currency value drop, wage gap, unemployment, housing crash, and homelessness, and many more.