Fabricated Pentagon Reports On ISIS

H/t reader squodgy:

“Where the hell is John Connor when you need him?”


Fabricated Pentagon Reports on ISIS (ZeroHedge, Aug 27, 2015):

By Steven J. Lendman

America’s “war on terror” is a complete hoax. It’s a war OF terror on humanity. Washington actively recruits their fighters along with other takfiri elements.

Official US claims about wanting to degrade and defeat ISIS are a complete fabrication. Washington actively recruits their fighters along with other takfiri elements – as foot soldiers for endless wars of aggression against nations targeted for regime change.

Ongoing US terror bombing in Syria and Iraq supports their ground operations – polar opposite official claims about wanting them defeated.

After thousands of airstrikes in both countries, ISIS forces are stronger than ever, controlling more territory. In June, Obama lied saying “I’m confident…that we are going to be successful (in) defeat(ing)” ISIS.

In July, he turned truth on its head saying “(w)e’ve taken out thousands of fighting positions, tanks, vehicles, bomb factories, and training camps. We’ve eliminated thousands of fighters, including senior ISIL commanders. And over the past year, we’ve seen that when we have an effective partner on the ground, ISIL can be pushed back.”

Satellite imagery and other intelligence clearly identify their positions – easily visible in open areas, especially when fighters are on the move. Yet bombing systematically avoids striking them – concentrating on Syrian and Iraqi infrastructure targets, killing hundreds of civilians in harm’s way.

America’s “war on terror” is a complete hoax. It’s a war OF terror on humanity – responsible for millions of deaths, vast destruction and appalling human misery post-9/11 alone. Ronald Reagan waged phony war on “international terrorism.”

In 1984, Secretary of State George Shultz said days before the presidential election “(w)e must reach a consensus in this country that our responses should go beyond passive defense to consider means of active prevention, pre-emption and retaliation.”

“We…need the flexibility to respond to terrorist attacks in a variety of ways, at times and places of our own choosing…There will be no time for renewed national debate after every terrorist attack. Fighting terrorism will not be a clean and pleasant contest…There is no room for guilt or self-doubt about our right to defend a way of life that offers all nations hope for peace, progress and human dignity.”

Reagan’s war on unternational terror was a shadow of what’s ongoing today – far more deadly and destructive against one country after another, endless wars in multiple theaters with no end in sight, recklessly heading for possible nuclear war with Russia, unthinkable if launched.

Deception dominates US domestic and foreign policy. Administration and congressional officials systematically lie to the public. On August 25, The New York Times surprisingly headlined “Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted,” saying:

“The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.”

Investigation followed an unnamed civilian defense intelligence agency analyst citing evidence of willfully distorting intelligence assessment conclusions.

Rosy scenarios substituted for hard facts. “The prospect of skewed intelligence raises new questions about the direction of the government’s war with the Islamic State, and could help explain why pronouncements about the progress of the campaign have varied widely,” said The Times.

Why is America (the world’s most powerful military) not easily defeating ISIS fighters? Don’t expect candid and forthright inquiry conclusions. Expect coverup and deception like always.

The Times said “(s)ome senior American officials in recent weeks have provided largely positive public assessments about the progress of the military campaign against the Islamic State…”

Information about arming, funding, training and directing its fighters as US foot soldiers against independent governments is systematically suppressed – especially by major media sources like The Times – perpetuating the myth about alleged war on universally acknowledged terrorists Washington supports.

Not a word about about America’s war on humanity – ravaging and destroying one country after another, wanting puppet regimes replacing all legitimate independent governments, seeking unchallenged global dominance through endless conflicts, including against poor people of color in US communities.

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