The Secret Meeting in London to End Cash


The Secret Meeting in London to End Cash (Armstrong Economics, Aug 27, 2015):

I find it extremely perplexing that I have been the only one to report of the secret meeting in London. Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Butler, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate the elimination of all cash to bring to fruition the day when you cannot buy or sell anything without government approval. When I googled the issue to see who else has picked it up, to my surprise, Armstrong Economics comes up first. Others are quoting me, and I even find it spreading as far as the Central Bank of Nigeria, but I have yet to find any reports on the meeting taking place in London, when my sources are direct.

Other newspapers who have covered my European tour have stated that the “crash” of which I speak is the typical stock market, rather than a crash in government. What is concerning me is the silence on this meeting, when there are more and more reports claiming a cashless society would be better.

If we look at the turning points on the ECM, yes, they have been to the day when there has been a concentration of capital in a particular market. However, it has also picked the turning points in political decisions, such as the formation of the G5 with 1985.65, the very day Greece asked for help from the IMF in 2010, to the day of 9/11. We better keep one eye open at night for this birth of a cashless society that is coming in much faster than expected. Why the secret meeting? Something does not smell right here.

As I’ve said before:

The people should resist a cashless society with everything they’ve got, …

… because next up are RFID microchip implants and if the people will allow THIS to happen, …

then it is all over.

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