Indonesia Impaled: Currency Crashes To 1998 Asian Crisis Low As Exports Crater

Indonesia Impaled: Currency Crashes To 1998 Asian Crisis Low As Exports Crater (ZeroHedge, Aug 18, 2015):

On Monday we laid out the rather dire road ahead for the world’s emerging economies in the face of China’s entry into the global currency wars. The path ahead is riddled with exported deflation and decreased trade competitiveness for a whole host of emerging economies [and] all of this is set against a backdrop of declining global growth and trade, a trend which many had assumed was merely cyclical, but which in fact may prove to be structural and endemic.” Well don’t look now, but trade just collapsed for Indonesia as exports and imports plunged 19.2% and 28.4% (more than double to consensus estimate), respectively in July. Meanwhile, the rupiah is sitting near multi-decade lows.


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