– With Greece “Nowhere Close” To Deal, Depositors Pull €300 Million From Banks In Single Day (ZeroHedge, May 27, 2015):
Greece is “nowhere close” to a deal with its creditors and will miss a May deadline to strike a compromise ahead of an IMF payment due on June 5. Meanwhile, the ECB tightens the screws on the country’s banking sector by refusing to lift the ceiling on the emergency liquidity that until now has helped to offset deposit flight.
Most of the real money has left Greece months and years ago. This is just the money used for daily living in Greece…….
I will believe a default when I see it, not until it happens…..the threat has been going on for months/years………
There are plenty of greedy gut reasons to kick the can down hill………..the domino effect might really hurt all the other Euro nations who also lied about their true debt and incomes……..all of them did with the possible exception of Germany.
The fraud exercised by most Euro nations might well be exposed with a Greek default, thus, the greedy guts keep loaning Greece more money……