China And Russia Are Being Purposely Left Out Of The TPP. Why?

H/t reader squodgy:

“I didn’t realist that the TPP was designed to exclude the BRICS…….”


The US Economy Is Days Away From Shutting Down (The Comon Sense Show, Feb 16, 2015):

This constitutes a form of economic martial law. And while this article is passing out one nightmare after another, please consider the fact that China and Russia are being purposely left out of the TPP. Why?  From an economic standpoint, that makes no sense unless one realizes that we are on a collision course with World War III and the BRIC nations, headed by China and Russia who will be our opponent in the upcoming conflict and the military balance of power is purposely being shifted by senior American politicians which are intentionally designed to weaken both the American economy and the American military.


Massive shortages are at our doorstep and the US economy is days away from shutting down. Walmart is resupplied six times per day. The shortages will soon show up in your shipped medications, food supplies and so forth. The crisis isn’t coming, it is here!

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