– It’s Official: Global Economy Back In Contraction For First Time Since 2012 According To Goldman (ZeroHedge, Feb 19, 2015):
After spending the past year deteriorating with each passing month, as global acceleration dipped decidedly in the negative camp, the only thing that kept the Goldman Global Leading Indicator “swirlogram” somewhat buoyant was that “Growth” measured in absolute terms had remained slightly positive. Not any more: according to Goldman’s latest global economic read, the world is now officially in contraction, following a sharp plunge in both acceleration and growth in February.
This is one aspect I found interesting, but one must take into account the fact OPEC kicked the petrodollar to the curb by keeping up production, forcing prices down to hurt the #1 producer of oil………the US. There is more going on here than this article addresses, but it is an interesting addition.