The End Of The American Dream (In 1 Uncomfortable Chart)

The End Of The American Dream (In 1 Uncomfortable Chart) (ZeroHedge, Feb 7, 2015):

The dream of life in the vassal state formerly known as America is fading fast. As The Bureau of Labor & Statistics (BLS) reported yesterday, there has never been a lower percentage of American men in the workforce. What is even more stunning – given the daily avalanche of “buy-and-hold” for a “safe-retirement” holding hands with your loved on as you stroll the beach at sunset – the percent of Americans aged 65 years or older has lamost doubled in the last 30 years and is near its highest since the mid ’60s.

So much for that dream retirement…


And a close-up of the decoupling…


But stocks are near record highs and the Dow is positive by 1 point
for 2015… so suck it up America – “you have to believe to receive.”

Charts: Bloomberg


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