– Former Fox News Employee Commits Suicide In Front of NYC Office (The Anti Media, Jan 27, 2015):
Phillip Perea, a former promotion producer at Fox News, shot and killed himself out front of the company’s building in Manhattan on Monday morning. The former employee was the victim of highly publicized bullying from management at the company, which ultimately resulted in the loss of his job. It has also been speculated by many that that he was railroaded out of his position because a local police officer was not happy with how a police brutality story was covered.
Over the past several months, Perea has been releasing a series of YouTube videos, which provide extensive details about his time at Fox, and the circumstances leading to his termination.
Perea’s troubles at Fox began in July, when he covered a story about a female jogger named Amanda Jo Stephen who was assaulted by police for jaywalking. Perea posted a picture where the angry officer was standing next to the crying jogger, and apparently Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo ended up contacting the station to complain.