More Isolation? Russia, China To Build $240 Billion High-Speed Rail Link


More Isolation? Russia, China To Build $240 Billion High-Speed Rail Link (ZeroHedge, Jan 23, 2015):

The ongoing ‘isolation’ of Russia took another turn for the un-isolated-er today when, as Bloomberg reports, China will build a 7,000-kilometer (4,350-mile) high-speed rail link from Beijing to Moscow, at a cost of 1.5 trillion yuan ($242 billion), Beijing’s city government said. The rail-link – which will bring travel time between Beijing and Moscow down from 5 days to 30 hours – signals a 10-year partnership between the two nations and follows the dropping of the French company, Alstom, from the project.


2 thoughts on “More Isolation? Russia, China To Build $240 Billion High-Speed Rail Link”

  1. Isolation of the US and to a lessor degree, the EU continues, regardless of what they say. The fools leading the US have taken us off the cliff……and now, it is too late. Russia and China are the powers of today and tomorrow, the US now the Sick Man of the Americas.


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