Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ‘ill-defined conditions’ after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan — ‘Significant increases’ in male infertility and child birth complications — Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions — Veteran: ‘Extreme measures’ used to cover this up

Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ‘ill-defined conditions’ after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan — ‘Significant increases’ in male infertility and child birth complications — Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions — Veteran: ‘Extreme measures’ used to cover this up (AUDIO) (ENENews, Aug 3, 2014)

2 thoughts on “Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ‘ill-defined conditions’ after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan — ‘Significant increases’ in male infertility and child birth complications — Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions — Veteran: ‘Extreme measures’ used to cover this up”

  1. The number of injured and infertile people aboard that aircraft carrier has certainly grown since the original suit was started by the people stationed there. At the beginning, we all knew the number would grow, but 1700 shows a lot of people.
    Thousands live aboard those huge carriers, so the number will grow even more. Even worse, if any of these people are fool enough to have children, they will have defects…..such things are showing up in newborns here in CA. Web hands and feet, mouths that don’t open properly………annoying, some can be fixed with surgery….but they are defects we didn’t have so often. Why our governments lie about Fukushima’s dangers is beyond me. Until I read an article on this site today, I thought moving east might help, but oxygen shortages in lakes in MN are very disconcerting. The Gulf of Mexico is producing dead fish by the multiple thousands, but that isn’t hard to understand because the oil from BP Oil has killed that entire body of water……but 35,000 dead fish in MN, due to lack of oxygen? Thousands of dead fish in New Jersey tells me the poison from Fukushima, NM, WA and other nuclear horrors tells me it is spreading all over the globe. Massive fish deaths in VT, Maryland, Northern Ireland, Armenia, India, Canada, England, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Iran, Panama, Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria ++++++++++………this tells me this is a problem for the entire human race, not just those of US on the western coast of North and South America. This radioactive mess, bred in Japan, is on target to wipe out the entire human race. Its ramifications are downright terrifying.
    For those scientists who moved to Australia and New Zealand to escape the vicious rays of Fukushima, all I can say is…..dream on.

    Back in the 1950s, we were told it was deadly. Somehow, over the ensuing years, we were sold on the idea that nuclear energy was clean energy. I heard such language from engineers and scientists from the best schools in the nation. Nuclear energy is clean energy…..beaten into our consciousness for years until we believed it.
    When Russia had that disaster in the 1980s, they were quick to cover it with cement, moved people away from it immediately (unlike the mush brains running Japan) and depleted the problem before it could begin.
    But, the greedy guts running Japan decided to run SIX reactors on an earthquake fault & store the radioactive waste there as well. It was quite a suicidal plan, one would think they might have let the people in on it……but not those bastards.
    So, the disaster happened on 3/11/11 and all information was buried. Were it not for this site and, there would be no data available.
    From this site, I was able to get information on the best way to tread a dog walking in the rain (wash his feet, and rinse him down after the walk) and other data that ought to be readily available to all. Not this government, and certainly not Japan.
    Meanwhile, greedy gut finance hawkers continue to sell Japan as a good investment…….the lies never end.
    Our government has lost all credibility, with its own people……not just the world. Lies never end, and nobody with a grain of sense believes a word they say.

  2. Why cover it up? We are all going to die, some sooner than later……what is there to hide?
    What kind of creeps have control of the world?


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