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– Busted Again! Another American “Mystery Plane” (MadCow Morning News, July 15, 2014):
At the heart of the story of Australia’s current experience with the latest American-registered drug plane busted overseas is that this is not just another American “mystery plane.”
It’s a “stealth” mystery plane.
Another American “mystery plane” was busted last week, this time in Australia, at the Illawarra regional airport in the seaside city of Wollongong, an hour south of Sydney.
Police seized a cache of 35 kilos of illegal drugs found on an American-registered Swearingen Merlin twin–engine turbo-prop during an initial search, sources told ABC Australia, and said one local man, already known to police, had been arrested.
The drug seized went unspecified, but speculation focused on heroin.
The news sent local media in Australia into a three-day tizzy. One newspaper published seventeen separate photographs showing police swarming over the aircraft from a variety of different angles, to no particular effect.
“Mystery plane raided: Pilot flew across Pacific, left it in Philippines” reported ABC Australia.
“Mystery surrounds THREE DAY police ‘drug’ raid on 43-year-old light plane” headlined London’s Daily Mail.