US sailors in ‘full protection gear’ (Japanese style) when USS Ronald Reagan Radiation Levels On March 13, 2011 Were 370,000,000 Bq/cm3
To the sick USS Ronald Reagan sailors:
I know you have been exposed to very high levels of radiation and you need real help or you will get even sicker and die.
Contact me. I will help you.
I will tell you what to do and where to go to get professional help.
Your medical doctors do not have a clue what to do.
They cannot help you, even if they wanted to.
I can and I will help you, if you contact me.
I will tell you how you can get your life back (free of charge).
Personally I do not believe that one of those sailors will ever contact me, but at least I’ve offered my help.
Isn’t it sad that nobody knows what to do or offers help to them?
I am sure that those health professionals that really know how to help them have never heard about what happened to those sailors off the coast of Japan.
They also probably don’t know how bad Fukushima really was (and still is), because they are too busy teaching their patients how to cure themselves from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, … , etc.
I know that for a fact, because I’ve been one of them.
Interview with Navy Lt. Steve Simmons who served on the USS Ronald Reagan for 3/11 relief mission, Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy, July 8, 2014 (emphasis added):
- 21:30 in — November 2011 I noticed something was wrong… The black-out was the first thing… I started dealing with gastrointestinal issues, at first I thought I was coming down with a stomach bug… Fevers as high as 102.9°F… January 2012 was the first time I was hospitalized… [They] sent me home with a sinus infection. Three days later I was readmitted to the hospital because my lymph nodes were swelling… that’s when my legs buckled and the muscle weakness started to onset… it’s been ascending from legs, trunk, arms, hands… I can’t really use the muscles much at all. I’m down to about 20 lbs. of grip strength in my hands, which is barely functional… I do have to catheterize every 4 hours in order to empty the bladder. The migraines still get worse. The fevers still come and go, and they keep calling it a fever of unknown origin. My vitamin D is in the gutter, they just keep calling it an unspecified vitamin D deficiency… 2nd degree burns on my legs just from being out in the sun for 3 or 4 hours… that had never been a concern. Nobody can figure it out. I’ve been getting these rashes that come and go; they’ll go up my arms, my neck, around my eyes, back, stomach, legs. I deal with tremors and spasms… I am [in a wheelchair]… There’s days I don’t even get out of bed… for a long time I thought I was the only one. I had no idea there were other individuals that were even sick or dealing with ailments… Doctors wouldn’t tell us anything… I’ve had doctors tell me maybe you’re better off not knowing what you’re dealing with… You can’t have over 100 or 200 people sick, and one who has died last April, and say there is absolutely no health risk.
- 35:00 in — Finding out that there’s more people that are sick, finding out there were some other individuals at Walter Reed [Hospital]… almost identical symptoms to what I was dealing with… they we’re told to be quiet, and next thing I know they’re, who knows where they’re at, nobody’s heard from them, nobody has seen them. I have a buddy at Walter Reed right now, whose going through the same exact thing, very similar to what I’m dealing with — maybe 6 months to a year behind on the symptoms… His wife would call my wife and my wife would explain what he could expect next and sure as anything that happens next… Him and I both had doctors who have actively tried to convince us that there’s physically nothing wrong and it’s all psychological… This is ridiculous… He’s also in a wheelchair and when he went to the clinic to get fitted for a wheelchair, this doctor told him that it’s all in his head, and he doesn’t need a wheelchair… This is uncalled for.
- 46:00 in — We now realize how bad it was… the worst disaster in history, then it’s time to acknowledge the fact that, yeah there is a problem, and there are going to be some effects on human life… If the worst case happens, and some more folks pass — I would have to be naive to think that nobody else is going to pass away from this — it’s only a matter of time before there’s more lives lost. I would be lying if I don’t think every day that I’m going to be next because of how bad my health keeps going downhill.
Full interview available here
Related info:
– Study Claims USS Ronald Reagan Crew Exposed To Extremely High Levels Of Radiation Near Fukushima
– USS Ronald Reagan: Sailors Were Vomiting And Losing Bowel Control After Fukushima Radiation Exposure
– Judge Dimisses Sickened USS Ronald Reagan Crew Radiation Lawsuit
– USS Ronald Reagan Higher Ups, Senior Chiefs Now Say They’re Sick After Fukushima Exposure (Video)
– USS Ronald Reagan Radiation Levels On March 13, 2011: 370,000,000 Bq/cm3
– Eight Crew Members Of The USS Ronald Reagan Sue Tepco For Lying About Fukushima
Damn those to hell who lie and cover up the truth! God bless all of you who have been so wrongly treated .. words cannot express my sadness & the sick feeling I get just knowing the powers that be are sweeping this under the rug from the top on down to the media and medical professions. May those in the media and the medical profession who are covering this up get just as sick & may the evil forces that be rot in hell. God is going to win this game in the end and the lake of fire is going to gain a lot of fuel to burn.