– More than 3,000 evacuees die since 3/11 disaster (NHK, May 6, 2014):
An NHK survey has found that the number of evacuees who have died from poor health since the 2011 disaster has topped 3,000.
NHK asked local authorities about the deaths of evacuees as of the end of March. Most victims are believed to have died due to poor health brought on by the fatigue and stress of moving to temporary shelters.
The survey found that 3,076 people have died in 10 prefectures. The number rose by 388 from last year’s figure.
More than a half of all the victims are from Fukushima Prefecture. The number of people who died from poor health was 88 more than those killed by the quake and tsunami.
Many of the Fukushima victims are from municipalities near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.