– Russia to Sue Ukraine for Odessa Massacre (Escambay, May 5, 2014):
Russia’s Public Chamber is readying to file a lawsuit against the Ukrainian government at European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for the Odessa massacre, carried out by fascist groups.
Ukrainian authorities have to respond for the massive murders of civilians in Odessa and in other cities of the country, affirmed Georgui Fedorov, member of the expert chamber.
As a result of the May 2 fire, triggered by fascist Right Sector organization in the House of Trade Unions, 46 activists died and over 200 sustained burns and injuries.
Many of the victims died inside the building due to asphyxia, burns or were finished off by neo-Nazis when they jumped out the windows, while the police and other authorities did not intervene, as television footage or images, recorded by witnesses, showed.
According to press versions, the police was ordered to withdraw riot forces from the scene, even when the clashes between fascist groups and football fans and Pro-Russia activists, who demanded a referendum.
In Odessa, the families of the victims began the funerals after a 3-day mourning and the identification of corpses.
On the other hand, Public Council for International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy Sergei Ordzhonikidze reaffirms that Kiev’s actions violate the April 17 Geneva agreements, adopted by Russia, United States, the European Union and Ukraine itself.
Military men beat and kill civilians in Odessa and in southeastern areas of the country, while the International Convention against the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries is also violated, the diplomat underlines.