Freescale Patent Holders Were Not On Malaysian Airlines MH370

Freescale Patent Holders Were Not On Flight 370 (DailySlave, April 5, 2014):

One of the stories being promoted by the alternative media is that four patent holders of a new fabrication technology and employees of Freescale Seminconductor were on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.    This turns out not to be the case.  Even though it is true that several employees from Freescale are listed in the manifest none of the aforementioned patent holders are listed.

This is important to point out because it appears as if a bunch of these stories detailing a conspiracy to kill the patent holders to benefit the Rothschild family and others is at best poor journalism or at worst disinformation.  If you look at the official Flight 370 manifest supplied by Malaysia Airlines and an even a more descriptive passenger list provided by New York Daily News, it is clear that none of the patent holders names are listed.

It is quite possible that this business surrounding Freescale, patent holders, the Rothschilds etc.. is just a manufactured rabbit trail to distract alternative researchers.  A hat tip to Dahboo7 and his YouTube channel for exposing this.  Check out his video on the same topic below.

2 thoughts on “Freescale Patent Holders Were Not On Malaysian Airlines MH370”

  1. Once again Jim Stone’s screaming has proved premature.
    The story gets curiouser.

    So, the Rothschild connection is debunked, then the EXIF phone up his arse GPS theory is blown.

    That only leaves the plane spotter theory that israel was planning to use the identical twin 777ER stored at Ben Gurion for a false flag with US complicit

    The jews/zionists/ who run US on behalf of the illegal state of israel are determined to start a war somehow.

    Like I said…thank goodness for plane spotters.


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