John Kerry: Crimea Vote Will Not Be Recognized By U.S., International Community

John Kerry: Crimea Vote Will Not Be Recognized By U.S., International Community (Huffington Post/AP, March 16, 2014)

2 thoughts on “John Kerry: Crimea Vote Will Not Be Recognized By U.S., International Community”

  1. International community of the US, EU and UK?
    Sorry, that isn’t a large enough community financially to matter. Just go to, and click on “world.”
    The debt level of EU nations, the UK and the US will tell the story………the lowest debt belongs to the US…..99%. The UK is over 440% debt to GDP, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, etc…..all well over 200%.
    Russia has 32% debt to GDP, and most of the rest of the world is in much better financial condition.
    This is just noise.
    The real problem is financial, and they are using these endless wars that go nowhere to hide the bigger problem……
    The need for a world reserve currency no longer is valid, technology has made the practice obsolete. The US is losing it’s financial power very quickly. The EU and China followed US practices, and they are weak, too.
    Russia, South America and emerging nations in Africa are growing. Were it not for the refugee problems, they would have made far more progress in Africa, but they are far ahead of where they were 30 years ago. The US is way behind…….been riding on it’s laurels far too long.


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