President Obama Warns Ukraine Against ‘Crossing The Line’

Here we go again.

See also:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: US, EU Paying Ukrainian Rioters, Protesters

Moscow Accuses Washington Of Arming, Funding And Training Ukrainian Opposition To Take Power – Nuland Calls This ‘Pure Fantasy’ – Merkel Calls Obscene Remark About The EU ‘Absolutely Unacceptable’

U.S. State Department Confirms Authenticity Of Intercepted Ukraine ‘FUCK THE EU’ Phone Call, Accuses Russia Of Dirty Tricks

‘FUCK THE EU’ – US State Department Blasts Europe; Revealed As Alleged Mastermind Behind Ukraine Unrest

Obama Red Line

President Obama Warns Ukraine Against “Crossing The Line” (ZeroHedge, Feb 19, 2014):

The US is adding its $0.02 to the international condemnation of the actions under way in Ukraine – desparate to re-write Victoria Nuland’s narrative of “f##k the EUR” and political manipulation. President Obama, having not learned his lesson the last time he drew a red line, has come out swinging…


Of course, it’s unclear if open military action against civilians is ‘crossing the line’ but we await Putin’s response.

More from the WSJ:

The Obama administration is considering sanctions against Ukraine, possibly in concert with European allies, saying the threat of penalties may push the government in Kiev to halt the deadly violence there.

“All of us are deeply disturbed,” Secretary of State John Kerry said during a brief appearance in Paris with his French counterpart. “We are talking about the possibility of sanctions or other steps with our friends in Europe and elsewhere in order to try to create the environment for compromise.”

Mr. Kerry and other U.S. officials didn’t detail what those sanctions might entail, but the administration in the past has held out the threat of individual sanctions, typically steps that freeze assets and limit travel.

The threat from the U.S. comes after violent clashes in Kiev this week have claimed the lives of at least 25 people and as the Obama administration and its European counterparts try to get a handle on the situation.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has blamed opposition leaders for the violence, while opposition leaders said the government was responsible.

Ben Rhodes, a deputy National Security Adviser to President Barack Obama, said the administration hopes the threat of sanctions will quell some of the violence. “We have made it clear we would consider taking action against individuals who are responsible for acts of violence within Ukraine,” he said while traveling with Mr. Obama to Mexico. Mr. Obama is headed to Mexico, among other reasons, to discuss trade.

1 thought on “President Obama Warns Ukraine Against ‘Crossing The Line’”

  1. Sanctions? I would be surprised if that would have any effect. Russia, China, India, much of the middle east, including Turkey……..most trade using their own currencies these days. Electronic currencies have made the need for a world reserve currency obsolete by translating the value of each nation’s currency when completing an international trade…….the US leaders must know what I do..
    In 2010, 100% of all international trades were completed in US dollars. Today, less than 50% do.
    Putin would not allow Obama to invade Syria. Does anyone believe he would let the US invade former Soviet lands? I doubt it. It might be the excuse the Ukraine and Russia need in order to re-unite. Once Russia has the Ukraine back…..they are back in power.
    The Ukraine also has powerful weapons. These are not little nations without any ability to fight back…….Putin intends to reunite the old USSR. The people want to be part of a world power again, so even if they don’t like Putin, they will work with him. Putin has the people behind him, unlike the US leaders.
    In the words of our former president who said two things I liked in eight years……..Bring ’em on!


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