Physician: ‘It’s predicted that in fact [radioactive particles] may concentrate as much on the West Coast as anywhere in Fukushima as it keeps coming wave after wave’

Physician: “It’s predicted that in fact [radioactive particles] may concentrate as much on the West Coast as anywhere in Fukushima as it keeps coming wave after wave” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 29, 2014):

City Channel 4, Published Jan. 21, 2014 (at 35:45):

Audience Question: I recently received a YouTube depicting radioactive contamination across the Pacific near to the U.S. West Coast as a result of the Fukushima reactor. No other news source appears to have acknowledged this scenario least of all the mainstream media. Is that fact or fiction.

Dr. Maureen McCue, founding member, faculty, and former director of the University of Iowa Global Health Studies Program and adjunct clinical professor in the Colleges of Public Health: I think it’s it fact that the mainstream media has not covered the phenomenon. I think we also experience regulatory capture in this country. I don’t know and I don’t think any of us know how much of the contamination is approaching the West Coast. It makes sense, when you look at ocean currents and wind streams, and the movement of marine life, that it will eventually reach the West Coast. In what concentrations, what amounts, nobody actually knows. It’s predicted that in fact it may concentrate as much on the West Coast as anywhere in Fukushima as it keeps coming wave after wave.


See also: Newspaper ignores scientific models that show Fukushima radiation impacting West Coast — Fails to inform readers by only reporting on discredited tsunami wave-height map — “What illness of the mind must people have to lie about the threat?” (FORECAST MODELS)

Watch the presentation here

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