– Venezuela About To Run Out Of Food Despite Fresh All Time High In Its Stock Market (ZeroHedge, Jan 22, 2014)
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Venezuela About To Run Out Of Food Despite Fresh All Time High In Its Stock Market (ZeroHedge, Jan 22, 2014)
They are nearly out of food thanks to speculators and corrupt leadership. Food prices will go through the roof, and people will pay it or go hungry. Those who cannot afford it will steal it. If there isn’t any to steal, they will tear up the towns. That is what the Yankees did to the CSA.
I am so sick of speculators and greedy guts grabbing everything while governments sit by and do nothing.
It always happens this way. Speculators ought to be outlawed along with loan sharks and other low life creatures. Anything else they tell you is a lie. It is always a greedy gut in the background wanting more than his/her fair share.
I wish mankind would grow up.
On another subject, count of radioactive particles have gone from billions to quadrillions in less than a week.
This is the only real story we need to concern ourselves with…….the rest is sound and fury signifying nothing.