– TV: High-level radiation leak at Fukushima reactor thought to be from “cracks in containment vessel” — “Even more radioactive than expected” — Salt corrosion may have led to breach (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 20, 2014):
New York Times, Jan. 20, 2014: Highly radioactive water found in a reactor building at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant offers new evidence that the reactor’s containment vessel was breached during the accident, [Tepco] said Monday. […] No. 3 reactor building […] even more radioactive than expected […]
NHK, Jan. 20, 2014: […] new evidence that the reactor’s containment vessel was breached during the accident [said Tepco] The officials suspect the water is leaking from around an opening for a steam pipe […] the extra space around the opening had been tightly sealed with resin. But they suspect the substance may have deteriorated after being exposed to the heat of the melted fuel and to salt from sea water poured into the vessel immediately after the accident. TEPCO engineers are planning to locate cracks in the containment vessel […]
NHK, Jan. 20, 2014: Fukushima inner leaks possibly from cracks — Officials of Tokyo Electric Power Company say water leaks inside the No. 3 reactor building likely came from cracks in the containment vessel.
More radiation than expected? I don’t think so.
Trillions of radioactive particles in every liter of water escaping into the ocean, the soil, the ground water…the air…….it is a terrible way to die. You cook from the inside out, like those poor sailors on the aircraft carrier Reagan.
No technology in place to stop or slow it. People cannot go near it, it has gotten much hotter the longer it burns….and it will burn for thousands of years.
The denial around this disaster is beyond belief. Nobody wants to face the truth. But, unless people are happy to fry to death, they will need to accept the reality.
I understand from the UK Guardian they are already selling expensive fallout shelters for greedy guts to live underground. Even have swimming pools. But, you cannot go outside, it is like the horror movies of the 1950s.
Another idiot is selling one way tickets to Mars. I am not joking, it has been covered on the UK Guardian. Why anyone would choose to go to a dead planet is beyond me…….but PT Barnum put it best when he said there is a sucker born every minute.