– Physician: Canadian gov’t withholding testing data; “Less confident about eating Pacific seafood now” — Top Scientist: “Sense of potential widespread disaster” from Fukushima (ENENews, Jan 20, 2014):
The Province, Jan. 19, 2014: “Answers to your questions about Fukushima radiation”
Local scientific testing of seafood is being done […] Oregon State University and [NOAA] tested 70 pounds of tuna caught off the U.S. west coast and found trace amounts of Fukushima radiation […] OSU’s Delvan Neville, a co-investigator on the project said: “To increase their normal annual dosage of radiation by just one per cent, a person would have to eat more than 4,000 pounds of the highest (radiation) level albacore we’ve seen.”
- [This lone example of seafood testing took place in 2012. Another OSU study stated, “Radionuclides will gradually spread to the US West Coast waters after a suitable period of time, with the possibility of affecting food quality throughout the food web (including humans).”]
Dr. Erica Frank, a physician and public health expert at UBC, has heard the fears around seafood and wishes the Canadian government would do a better job communicating with the public. “My assessment is that right now, public alarm is greater than actual public health risk,” she said, adding that she has been trying to get food testing data from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for more than a year. She said that after Fukushima, she feels less confident about eating Pacific seafood now, and has completely stopped eating any seafood from Asia.
- [Previous statements by Dr. Frank: 1) Physician in Canada on Cancer Estimates: Epidemic of Fukushima radiation-related deaths from consuming Pacific fish? “Vast implications for human health” — “I eat so much salmon… I’m vulnerable” — 2) Physician: The salmon migrate through radioactive plumes coming off Fukushima, then we catch them on Canada’s shores — Concerned about lack of testing — Officials “rely on Japan for test results” (VIDEO)]
The CFIA [Canadian Food Inspection Agency] conducted special tests in 2011 and 2012 [that] were well below action limits, according to the CFIA. The agency […] has determined that further testing of “domestic food products for the presence of radioactive material is not required.” “The CFIA would take immediate action if it was determined that any food samples represented a potential health risk to consumers” […] The Bottom Line: There is no discernible Fukushima-related risk in eating seafood, especially if it’s locally caught.
“I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth (nuclear) plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye-bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” [said Dr. David Suzuki.] […] The David Suzuki Foundation says the paper Suzuki cited was the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status Report. […] [Lead author of that report, nuclear energy analyst Mycle Schneider] told The Province […] “To be very clear, I have never seen any credible source for a scenario implying the evacuation of the west coast of North America. In fact, much of the attitude of people on the west coast — like no more swimming in the ocean — seems utterly disconnected from reality […] I’m really, really shocked about the way it’s being discussed in Canada. It’s just totally insane.” […] “I regret having said it, although my sense of potential widespread disaster remains and the need for an urgent international response to dealing with the spent rods at Fukushima remains,” Suzuki said.
- [“No more swimming in the ocean — seems utterly disconnected from reality”? According to Dr. Edwin Lyman of the Union of Concerned Scientists: Senior Scientist on HBO: I’d worry about swimming in Hawaii’s ocean starting in 2015 due to Fukushima plume (VIDEO). Lyman received praise from Tepco adviser Lake Barrett at 1:16:30 into this video for his ‘responsible’ comments about the Fukushima disaster.]
When sea stars were found to be dying off in massive numbers off the B.C. coast, some were quick to point to Fukushima as a reason. “Crazy talk,” said Dr. Chris Mah, a sea-star expert and researcher at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History based in Washington, D.C.
Its completely safe. Obama is monitoring this from a golf course in Hawaii! Instead of helping Japan, we will monitor this. Once the genie is out of the bottle, what will it cost to fix the Pacific? Don’t ask the grinning gargoyle that one!
There is nothing left alive between Japan and the left coast. The algae on the rocks is dead as well. Monsanto is likely doing all the testing, which is mostly kickbacks to officials, as always. Their staff is head of the FDA thanks to Obama.