–CBS promotes Fukushima-area seafood; Better if it’s allowed to contain more radioactive waste? — CBS email to US Gov’t: The best way for NRC to calm Americans’ nuclear anxiety is to be interviewed by ’60 Minutes’ (ENENews, Dec 19, 2013):
CBS News, Dec. 19, 2013: […] seafood samples will be checked for radiation — part of Japan’s fight to restore confidence in its food supply after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. […] Under unusually conservative radiation safety limits enacted in the wake of the Fukushima accident in March 2011, a reading of more than 100 bequerels per kilogram triggers an automatic ban. […] critics have argued that Japan’s safety standard — created to reassure terrified citizens after the catastrophe — is unnecessarily low. Ken Buesseler, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts who has studied marine contamination, wrote in the magazine Science that tightening safety standards “may have had the opposite effect, as the public now sees more products considered unfit for human consumption.” […] “Sometimes we are tempted to take a bite,” one employee tells us […] A team of experts from the IAEA recently backed Japan’s claim that radiation levels, despite ongoing problems with wastewater leaks at the crippled nuclear plant, were returning to normal. […] Tokyo is anxious to make the nation’s food producers as globally focused and competitive as their colleagues in the auto industry. […]
Email from CBS producer Daniel Ruetenik to a spokesperson at U.S. embassy in Tokyo, Mar. 14, 2011: […] we’d like to request an interview with members of the NRC team once they have finished their analysis. Speaking with 60 Minutes would be the best way to reach the largest audience and calm the growing anxiety amongst Americans about the dangers from the nuclear release. […]
Perhaps CBS made the same offer to the NSA before ‘60 Minutes‘ aired it’s segment on the agency Sunday night. Didn’t get a chance to watch? Wired has a recap: 60 Minutes Puff Piece Claims NSA Saved U.S. From Cyberterrorism or try CBS Airs NSA Propaganda Informercial and also Don’t Believe a Word of Last Night’s 60 Minutes NSA Interview plus Why Did 60 Minutes Let the Head of the NSA Fool Its Audience?