Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass: Senior Obama Administration Official Said: ‘We’re Just Going To Kill The Dollar’ (Video)



In this interview with investor Kyle Bass from Day 1 at AmeriCatalyst 6th of November 2011, in Austin, Texas, Bass discloses his discussion about the economic crisis with a senior from the Obama Administration. According to Kyle Bass the basic solution coming from this senior was: “We’re Just Going to Kill the Dollar”.

Killing the US Dollar in this context means keep printing more US Dollars in order to weaken the dollar to make exports cheaper through inflation. Massive inflation might be the answer for the Obama Administration, but in the process your purchasing power will be destroyed. And because the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency the eventual impact of inflation would have an impact that would reach far beyond those holding US Dollar assets.

Thousands of paper currencies has come and gone over the years and there is no question if the dollar, or the euro for that sake, will have its value go to zero; the question is when?

3 thoughts on “Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass: Senior Obama Administration Official Said: ‘We’re Just Going To Kill The Dollar’ (Video)”

  1. Kill the dollar, introduce the Amero or another global currency. Centralization they call “globalization.” Merger/Acquisition in other words. Just like everything else. The suffering that results from this is going to be the kind found described in historical documents.

    US dollar will be bidding on global arena for everything and get the leftovers (if there are any leftovers). I read a story of a man attempting to buy farm land in NE state; he was informed his first 3 yrs of production (corn) would have to be sold specifically to China; he backed out of the deal.


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