Edward Griffin – The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside view of International Banking Written and narrated by G. Edward Griffin (1960’s) An old film, made sometime in the 60’s. This is an adaptation of a documentary filmstrip tracing the history of a small group of people who control the money systems of the world. It shows how this group is protected by governments and how its wealth is derived by creating money out of nothing. We see how this group wields power through government, foundations, education, and the mass media. It has aided such regimes as Russia and China, not because it is pro-Communist, but because a visible enemy and the threat of war have been useful in persuading the masses to embrace the group’s ultimate goal: a world government which they expect to control from behind the scenes. They are now working to replace fear of nuclear war with fear of global pollution as the motivation for world government. It is clear that the plan revealed in this program continues to unfold. Monopoly is not an outgrowth of capitalism. Monopolists lobby for laws that give them advantages in the market place. Monopoloy is not based on free-enterprise competition, but the escape from it. It is not the product of capitalism but the bedfellow of socialism
A cogent summary. Two observations:
1.) The collapse of the Soviet Bloc has necessitated a new external threat which is now the “War on Terror”, potentially never-ending and is, similiarly to the Communist Menace, entirely managed by and dependent upon covert financial and political support from the world financial rulers.
2.) I disagree with Mr. Griffin’s remedy of adopting the gold/silver standard as the only and preferred method of establishing a currency not subject to manipulation by insiders
Precious metals are already largely owned by Trillionaires and their production is limited to a few locations and by a small number of mining companies and so,easily subject to manipulation; witness the hardships suffered by small farmers and debtors in the 19th century and the resulting political struggles.
Their usefulness to human well being is limited and so have little to do with the actual state of wealth in a country.
Alternatively, consider the prospect of basing a currency on grains. Growing wheat, barley or corn is something anyone w/ a bit of land can do and, unlike metals, has a real relation to our country’s actual wealth and well being. Grain, properly stored, can last for centuries so it is a real store of value. It’s not as easily subject to monopoly and manipulation as metals and answers many of the well-founded objections to gold as a medium of exchange.