Former Japanese Ambassador To Switzerland: One Earthquake Beyond Magnitude 6 Or 7 And The World Is Heading Towards The Ultimate Catastrophe (Video)


Ambassador Murata makes public statement in English: Once a quake beyond magnitude 6 or 7 happens, then the world starts heading towards the ultimate catastrophe — Unit 4 a global security issue (ENENews, May 24, 2012):

At 28:30 – 29:40 into the video:

I’m Mr. Murata former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland.

The voices of the victims are not being heard sufficiently because of the efforts of the minimizers of the accident.

Today I want to only pick up one question, the problem of the Unit 4 reactor at Fukushima.

I’m saying this is a global security issue.

Because once an earthquake beyond a magnitude 6 or 7 happens, then the world starts heading towards the ultimate catastrophe.

According to the expert Robert Alvarez, the amount of cesium-137 is 85 times more than Chernobyl.

[Garbled Speech], but there’s not the sense of crisis.

I would like to ask your cooperation to alert the whole world to this danger.

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