Tepco Can’t Measure Temperatures If Cooling System Stops In Fukushima Reactor 1,2,3 Spent Fuel Pools (Video)

In case coolant system stopped in any SFP, Tepco can’t measure temperture (Fukushima Diary, April 30, 2012):

Related to this article..[Emergency] Coolant system of reactor 4 stopped

In the daily press conference of 4/27/2012, Tepco stated they lose the manner to measure the temperature of each SFP from reactor 1 to 3 when circulative cooling system is troubled.

Only SFP 4 can be reached by human worker so a temporary heating gauge is attached.

According to Tepco, they measure temperature where water comes from skimmer surge tank to primary cooling water pump at each reactor, not inside of the pool. They thus can not measure temperature when circulative cooling system stops. There is no plan to solve this problem.


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? 36:00~

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