Radioactive Japan: 119 Of 132 People In Iwate Test Positive For Radioactivity In Urine

119 of 132 people positive from sampling survey of radioactive substances in urine in Iwate (Fukushima Diary, May 1, 2012):

Iwate prefecture conducted sampling survey of radioactive substances in urine in Ichinoseki city and Oshu city.

The result published on 3/2/2012 shows cesium was measured from 119 of 132 people (90.1%). The highest reading was 6 Bq/L.

On 4/16/2012, the chairman of Iwate association of obstetricians and gynecologists, Kobayashi sent public questions to Tasso, Iwate governor.

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1. About the assessment of the urine survey results.

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1. Is the meeting minutes of the assessing committee disclosed ? If not, we demand to know the reason.
2. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2. Are the committee members the experts of internal exposure ? Where and how were they selected and why citizen’s representatives were not added to the members ?


2. About treatments to follow up the result.

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1. Is there any schedule to conduct research about the diet of the children who they measured cesium from the urine of and about their symptoms ? If not, we demand to know the reason.

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2. We think we shall continue to conduct children’s urine test and health inspection from now on. What is the view of Iwate prefecture ?
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3. Some of the children must have taken radioactive iodine to thyroid in Iwate as well. We think we shall conduct research and assess the result to deal with the concerns of citizens. What is the view of Iwate ?

3. Professional questions about this urine test

1. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

1. How did you estimate the biological half-life of cesium ? if it differs from age, please show us examples.

2. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2. Did you estimate the entire amount of cesium contained in body from this result ? If yes, please give us the reason why it is not published.

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3. Please tell us how much of cesium per L in urine corresponds to “1 mSv/h” or 100mSv/Life on the assumption that a 40kg of a child continuously takes cesium for 365 days after Fukushima accident / urine = 1L/d.
4. ??????????????????????????????????365??????????????????????730???????????????????????????????????????????????????

4. Please give us the depository and effective dose on the same assumption as above (365 days later and 730 days later.)


Please give us documented answers for those questions above by 5/16/2012. We will disclose the content of the answer to media.

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