John W. Armstrong: ‘The Water Of Life’

This book is cited by (almost) all experts on the subject.

And guess what?

You were drinking urine 24/7 in your mother’s womb:

Amniotic fluid:

In basic terms, amniotic fluid is urine passed by the foetus in the pregnant uterus.

The fluid is important because it protects the foetus against physical trauma, allows foetal lungs to develop normally, controls the temperature in the womb, and allows space for foetal movement and growth.

Dr Blott said: “Amniotic fluid will not be produced if the baby is not growing.”

So you have already done – successfully – urine therapy for months! The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy, Price: $10.57

Book description at

In this revolutionary treatise, J.W. Armstrong puts the compelling case that all diseases (except those caused by traumatism or structural disorders) can be cured by one simple means. The therapy is an entirely drugless system of healing that treats the body as a whole. Moreover, the only ingredient needed is a substance manufactured in the body itself, rich in mineral salts, hormones and other vital substances, namely human urine. It may seem strange to take back into the body something that the body is apparently discarding. Yet the theory is similar to the natural practice of organic composting. Fallen leaves, when dug back into the soil, provide valuable mineral salts to nourish new plant life. The same principle holds true for the human body.


PDF: Water-of-Life-Treatise-on-Urine-Therapy-by-John-W.-Armstrong-1971


The Water of Life

See also:

–  How To Improve Your Health Condition Dramatically And Protect & Detoxify Your Body From Fluoride, Arsenic etc.

24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

6,000-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian ‘WATER OF LIFE’ Papyrus

6 thoughts on “John W. Armstrong: ‘The Water Of Life’”

  1. ho letto questo libro e iniziato a bere tutta l’ urina che faccio e frizionando il corpo prima solo nelle zone interessate ( da anni ho un fungo pitiriasis versicolor e delle cisti di grasso sulla schiena) ora sto frizzionando tutto il corpo compreso viso e palme dei piedi ma non sto digiunando perchè non sò per quando tempo devo farlo e come si riprende poi a mangiare sembra che gia ci siano dei miglioramenti in generale sono entusiasta di fare uso di urina non ho problemi a berla e mi sento molto bene piena di energia mi picerebbe approfondire( già 13 anni fà feci un digiuno con acqua e urina e ne fui entusiasta sebbene non avessi nessuna patologia) per diventare urino terapista fatemi sapere di più

    • Here is the google translation of M. Cristina Arancio’s comment:

      “I read this book and started to drink the whole ‘I do urine and massaging the body before only in the areas concerned (for years I have a fungus pityriasis versicolor and cysts of fat on the back) now I’m frizzionando throughout the body including the face and palms feet but I’m not fasting because I do not know for how long I have to do it and how you take then to eat it seems that there are already some improvements in general are excited to make use of urine I have no problem drinking it and I feel very good full of energy I picerebbe deepen (already 13 years ago I had a fasting with water and urine, and I was excited though I had no pathology) to become a therapist let me know I urinate more.”

      I do not think that you have to fast to get great (even unbelievable) health benefits and clear signs of rejuvenation.

      Recommended: You can add fruit and vegetable juices to your diet.

      These books will help you to get started:

      – Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What’s Missing in Your Body? by Norman Wardhaugh Walker

      – Healing the Gerson Way : Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases


      – The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses

      The Gerson Therapy will give you a lot of information on how to detox your body and rebuild your health.

      You can watch these documentaries on the Gerson Therapy for free:

      – The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

      – ‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

      – The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

      Actually you’ll find that a raw vegan diet makes your urine taste really good and that is because the body really needs to detox much less and so the urine will get very clear too.

      If you cook your food you are destroying the enzymes (and also the life force, turning organic minerals in food [of which our body is made of] into inorganic minerals [which are useless and have to be removed from the body]), which are of the utmost importance to rejuvenate the body.

      The coffee enemas from the Gerson Therapy (exactly described in the recommended books) will help you greatly to detox the body faster and boost liver function by 600% and small intestine function by 700% etc.

      Fruit and vegetable juices do NOT feed any fungus (quite contrary to what western medicine dietary experts tell us). They rebuild the immune system and after a while (even faster if you are on a raw vegan diet, drinking only steam distilled water and (even better) your own urine/water of life/shiva water) all harmful fungi and warts will just disappear.

      My wife tells me that my body now looks like that of an athlete. (And I am only doing some meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.)

      I think this is especially because of my diet, distilled water and urine therapy.

      Best regards,
      Infinite Unknown

  2. If you read his book you realize you will get results more quickly w/fasting. I have diagnosis of breast cancer – was familiar with UT and started immediately. Tumour size is reduced and feel well. Noticed changes v quickly. Urine is providing nourishment – not difficult to fast though I am not totally fasting yet. John Armstrong stresses importance of massaging body with urine – particularly face, neck and feet particularly when fasting. Do not massage area of tumours. Apply urine compresses.
    Do read his book. I will start fast this week.

    • @Sunday osagie,

      The book has been removed from Scribd.

      I have now added a replacement (PDF file), which I have found doing a quick search on the internet.

      Hope that helps.

      Best regards,

  3. My grandfather Raojibhai Manibhai Patel has written book Urine Therapy in India. I use to massage him on his whole body with his urine. He survived from five heart attacks and died due to normal death. P.M. of India Mr Morarjibhai Desai also followed this therapy and wrote preface of the book written by my grandfather.
    Iha asthma from young age till I was 30 years old. I started this therapy and and I got rid of asthma. I am 80 now.


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