3D Animation Explains Japanese Traitor Government’s New Food Safety Standards For Radioactive Materials (Video)


3D Animation Explaining Japan’s New Food Safety Standards for Radioactive Materials (EX-SKF, April 6, 2012):

The video is making fun of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs program to invite foreign social media writers to Japan as it explains the new safety standards for food and drinks in Japan.

FYI, Japan’s new food safety standards:

  • 10 becquerels/kg for drinking water, not 100.
  • 50 becquerels/kg for baby food
  • 50 becquerels/kg for milk
  • 100 becquerels/kg for general food
  • assuming 50% of food is contaminated
  • numbers are only for radioactive cesium

1 thought on “3D Animation Explains Japanese Traitor Government’s New Food Safety Standards For Radioactive Materials (Video)”

  1. Shocking. What in the hell is going on? This poison is spreading around the world, the radiation continues unabated since March 11, 2011….it is still pouring into the air, water, soil and crops. It is in our milk supply here in the US, which means it is in the food chain.
    We have done it, we have invented a very dangerous source of power without knowledge of how to control it. No other species is so foolish. Safe food is going to be a huge factor, and it will send prices soaring. Even then, they will probably lie about the amount of radiation….because it is spreading everywhere.
    The people in Japan are telling their children not to have any of their own. Already, rabbits without ears have been born, and other mutations are happening all over Japan. This site has done a great job covering them.
    Stephen Hawkins said it a while back. If man as a species wants to survive, he better develop space travel and soon. He gave us a thousand years, but I don’t.
    Thanks for covering this story.
    Marilyn Gjerdrum


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