– 29-second video: FOX News: “US has moral authority to annihilate Iran because they’re evil” (Washington’s Blog, Feb. 25, 2012):
This is Orwellian language in action. Mr. Carlson states that because the US has moral authority (we’re the good guys) and do not seek hegemony, the US can destroy Iran (and all its people?) in a pre-emptive strike because they’re evil (the bad guys). This “good/bad” comparison is overt in this clip, but always covert in US corporate media coverage: the US is “good” and Iran is “bad” (remember from W. Bush they are among the “axis of evil”). Mr. Carlson later clarified his remarks that he says Iran’s government is evil and his real concern is about US energy prices; with no remorse over “wiping Iran off the map.”
What is never mentioned in US corporate media reporting is the history that it is the US that has waged war on Iran by overthrowing their democracy from 1953-1979, and then acting with Iraq for an unlawful War of Aggression that killed up to a million Iranians from 1980-1988. Because these facts are not disputed as far as I know, and in obvious violation of war law, that makes the US guilty of Wars of Aggression on Iran that again killed up to a million of their people.
So how does this history of US war on Iran for 35 consecutive years match with FOX News’ Mr. Carlson’s statement that the US does not seek hegemony and has moral authority while Iran is the evil one?
FOX news not reporting the history of US takeover of Iran’s government and war upon them makes their reporting an obvious lie of omission that anyone concerned with comprehensive reporting immediately notices. For those interested in this history:
US overthrew Iran’s democracy 1953-1979, helped Iraq invade 1980-1988, now lies for more war (and an analogy if the US were the victim of empire)
What Iran’s president said about Israel, and how the US lies for war
What IAEA reports on Iran’s nuclear energy/medicine, how US lies
Analogy: US wars on Iraq, Iran as US criminal gangster “business”
Are US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan well-intended mistakes? What we now know from the evidence
There are more lies of omission and commission from US corporate media that also publishes our texts. How many of you are familiar with Abraham Lincoln as a freshman member of Congress in his famously powerful prose delivering a speech that proved President Polk in obvious violation of the Adams-Onis Treaty, and that US soldiers were 400 miles into land forever promised to Mexico? Our texts today call this a “border dispute;” a lie of commission that the US violated a treaty in crystal-clear language, and a lie of omission to remove Lincoln’s refutation of the President’s “reasons” for war. From US war history in 2 minutes:
US war history brief to put the present in context:
1. The US regularly violated treaties with Native Americans, as well as manipulating their meaning for the purpose of stealing their land.
2. US President Polk lied to Congress to initiate a War of Aggression in Mexico. The result was the US taking 40% of Mexico in 1848. This occurred despite Abraham Lincoln’s crystal-clear explanation as a member of Congress that the Adams-Onis Treaty placed the “border dispute” 400 miles within land forever promised to Mexico and forever promised as outside any US claim.
3. The US violated our treaty with Hawaii and stole their country in 1898.
4. The US reneged on promises of freedom after the Spanish American War to impose our rule on the Philippines and install US-friendly dictators in Cuba.
6. The CIA had several covert wars; perhaps most important in today’s context of war on Iran: “Operation Ajax” that overthrew Iran’s democracy and installed a US-friendly and brutal dictator. When that dictator was overthrown and Iran refused another, the US aided Iraq to unlawfully invade and attack Iran from 1980-1988; killing up to a million Iranians. If the US lied and acted twice to unlawfully overthrew Iran’s democracy within our own lifetimes, shouldn’t we assume first another lie-started unlawful war today? Upon confirmation of the lies (documented below), shouldn’t we arrest the US War Criminals rather than allow them to kill again?!?
7. The Vietnam War occurred after the US allowed the cancellation of an election to unify the country, as escalated with the Gulf of Tonkin incident: false intelligence at best, but then manipulated into a false-flag event for a “defensive” war.
8. Perhaps most disturbing is the King Family civil suit that found the US government guilty in the assassination of Dr. King. Corporate media, including our text publishers, omit this history. The King family’s conclusion is that Martin was assassinated to prevent his “Occupy DC” plan beginning for the sumer of 1968 to end his version of today’s wars.
9. We now know from Congressional reports that all “reasons” for war with Iraq were known to be false as they were told.
10. The two “reasons” for war with Iran are as false as the “reasons” for war with Iraq. Beware a false flag attack by the US or Israel to blame on Iran as pretext for another “defensive” war:
- Iran’s president never physically threatened Israel.
- All of Iran’s nuclear material is fully accounted for peaceful and legal use for energy and medicine.
Want a brighter future? Recognize and end the “emperor has no clothes” obvious crimes of the present as a first step. Standing for a US government that defends unalienable rights that begin with “life,” the freedom that government will not murder, is a good place to start.
I invite you all to stand with Lincoln’s assertion:
“… let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;–let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children’s liberty. Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap–let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;–let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become thepolitical religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.
While ever a state of feeling, such as this, shall universally, or even, very generally prevail throughout the nation, vain will be every effort, and fruitless every attempt, to subvert our national freedom.”