AND NOW: Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’ (ABC NEWS)

… for Liar & Traitor In Chief ‘Obama bin Bush’.

You can’t make this stuff up!


How many soldiers have DIED because of THIS LIE?

Obama: ‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’:

“I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. “
– Barack Obama Campaign Promise – October 27, 2007

In 2009 alone over 300 soldiers died because of this lie!

EXPOSED: Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Political Syndicate – Total Corruption:

Elite Puppet President Obama Exposed:

Barack Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!!!!!:

NOT to forget that Obama extended every unconstitutional Bush policy (like the PATRIOT ACT [And there is a secret Patriot Act too!] and NSPD 51).

He also increased the national debt like no other President in US history.

It is now OK to assassinate Americans everywhere in the world and his assassination program is a state secret.

I could go on and on, but what is …

… even worse than all of the above is that Obama completely turned the US is into a FASCIST MILITARY POLICE STATE since he signed the NDAA (‘Indefinite Detention Bill’) into law on New Year’s eve, thereby legalizing MARTIAL LAW.

Links on the NDAA are down below.

Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’ (ABC News, Feb. 13, 2012):

The Obama campaign is today beginning a new effort to enlist and educate at least 2 million supporters for a “grassroots communications team” they’re calling the Truth Team.

“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.

The teams will be first launched in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.

The rollout also includes a social media blitz, directing supporters to three new websites:, which highlights Obama’s record and “promises kept”;, which highlights GOP policy positions; and, which fact-checks claims made against Obama on the campaign trail.

“If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president’s record – and their own – we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth,” deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. ”We’re fighting back.”

So far, the “other guys” mentioned on the three websites are almost exclusively limited to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. There is one mention of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and one mention of Americans for Prosperity, a non-profit advocacy group.

Obama organized a similar grassroots effort in 2008 – Fight the Smears – that involved more than 1 million supporters, campaign aides said.

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said the initiative reflects a desperate attempt to spin Obama’s negative track record from his first term.

“The Obama campaign is organizing propaganda teams to deceive voters because Americans are catching onto the reality that Obama’s record doesn’t match his rhetoric,” Kukowski said in an email. “How else will they mask the broken promises like introducing another trillion dollar deficit or the fact that the president continues to recycle the same proposals without ever seeing results?”

On the NDAA:

The US is now officially a fascist military police state:

Ron Paul Slams NDAA (Indefinite Detention for US Citizens) On The House Floor (Video)

Ron Paul Fights To Repeal The NDAA That Allows Indefinite Detention For Americans

Pulitzer Prize-Winner Chris Hedges Sues Obama Over NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill – ‘Why I’m Suing Barack Obama’

Gerald Celente: ‘Politics Is Show Business For The Ugly’ – Expects Europe To Collpase In April – On The NDAA And Indefinite Detention: ‘They Can Simply Blow My Brains Out Now’ … ‘This Is FASCISM’

Ron Paul On SOPA And The NDAA (Video)

On The Edge With Max Keiser And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Video – Jan. 06, 2012): There Is No Recovery – US Debt Situation Worse Than Greece – We Now Have A Police State

Myth Busted: Yes, The NDAA Does Apply To Americans, And Here’s The Text That Says So

President Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law (Video)

R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 – 2011: The Most Traitorous U.S. President In History Quietly Signed The NDAA Into Law On New Year’s Eve

Rep. Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps

NDAA ‘Indefinite Detention Bill’: Mourning The Lost Freedom in America: US Is Now A Battlefield, A Fascist Military Dictatorship, Constitution Has Been Repealed, Farewell Bill Of Rights (Video)

Top Constitutional Expert: ‘President Obama Says That He Can Kill You On His Own Discretion’: Without Charge Or Trial (Video)

‘Indefinite Detention’ For American Citizens: Congress Passes $662 Billion National Defense Authorization Act – White House Drops Veto Treat

Ron Paul Furious Over The NDAA (‘Indefinite Detention Bill’): ‘This Is A Giant Step – This Should Be The Biggest News Going Right Now Literally Legalizing Martial Law’

Senator Carl Levin: Obama Required US Citizens To Be Included In Indefinite Detention!

Gerald Celente: ‘IT’S FASCIST. CAN’T YOU SEE IT?’ – ‘It’s A TAKEOVER’ – ‘Hail Obama!’ – ‘The United States Has Become One Big Warsaw Ghetto’

– The New American: US Senate Traitors Pass ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill S.1867, Create A Military Police State – Senator Rand Paul’s Adress To The American People (Video)

– Business Insider: The Media’s Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful – ‘IF THIS BILL PASSES IN ITS CURRENT FORM THE UNITED STATES WILL BE A MILITARY POLICE STATE’ (Video)

– Constitutional lawyer (Yale Law School graduate) & Founder Of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes: Senate Bill Declares War On Americans (Video)

– Wired: U.S. Senate Wants The Military To Lock You Up Without Trial

– Natural News: Occupied America: Senate Bill 1867 Would Allow US Military To Detain And Murder Anti-Government Protesters In American Cities

– FOX News: Freedom Watch – Judge Napolitano Interviews Rand Paul On Unconstitutional INDEFINITE DETENTION Bill S. 1867 (Video)

– InfoWars: Senate Bill Would Allow US Military To Indefinitely Detain Americans Without Charge Or Trial Anywhere In The World

– Mother Jones: Is the US Getting Domestic Indefinite Military Detention (Also For US Citizens And Legal Permanent Residents) For Thanksgiving?

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