Global warming is a scam. (All links down below.)
Original BILD article here:
– Globale Erwärmung: Die CO2-Lüge: Renommiertes Forscher-Team behauptet: Die Klima-Katastrophe ist Panik-Mache der Politik (BILD, Feb. 6, 2012):
Steht die Menschheit vor einer selbstgemachten Klima-Katastrophe? Oder ist die globale Erwärmung nur eine große CO2-Lüge hysterischer Wissenschaftler? Ein Autorenteam um Hamburgs Ex-Umweltsenator Fritz Vahrenholt* gibt Entwarnung!
Die Klima-Katastrophe sei die Erfindung von Politikern und UN-Wetterforschern! In Wahrheit sei die Sonne mindestens genauso verantwortlich für die Temperaturschwankungen der Erde wie CO2! Exklusiv für BILD haben die Autoren ihre Thesen zusammengefasst.
Teil 1: Was der Weltklimarat der UNO verschweigt
Wir schlittern also in eine jahrzehntelange SonnenFLAUTE hinein.
‘NoTricksZone’ has some info and translation of the article (Google translation of the entire article below.):
– Body Blow To German Global Warming Movement! Major Media Outlets Unload On “CO2 Lies!”
“THE CO2 LIES … pure fear-mongering … should we blindly trust the experts?”
That’s what Germany’s leading daily Bild (see photo) wrote in its print and online editions today, on the very day that renowned publisher Hoffmann & Campe officially released a skeptic book – one written by a prominent socialist and environmental figure.
This is huge. More than I ever could have possibly imagined. And more is coming in the days ahead! The Bild piece was just the first of a series.
Mark this as the date that Germany’s global warming movement took a massive body blow.
Today, not one, but two of Germany’s most widely read news media published comprehensive skeptical climate science articles in their print and online editions, coinciding with the release of a major climate skeptical book, Die kalte Sonne (The Cold Sun).
Germany has now plunged into raucus discord on the heated topic of climate change
What has set it all off? One of the fathers of Germany’s modern green movement, Professor Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, a social democrat and green activist, decided to author a climate science skeptical book together with geologist/paleontologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning. Vahrenholt’s skepticism started when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned, he asked himself, “Is this the way they approached the climate assessment reports?”
Vahrenholt decided to do some digging. His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Persuaded by Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.
Conclusion: climate catastrophe is called off
The science was hyped. The book started hitting the bookshops today and has already hit no. 1 on the list for environment books. Indications show that it will climb very high in the overall bestseller charts. It’s published by a renowned publishing house and is now sending shock waves through the German climate science establishment. The first printing will produce 20,000 copies. I expect they will sell out rather quickly.
Today Germany’s national tabloid Bild (which has a whopping circulation of 16 million) devoted half of page 2 on an article called:
Renowned team of scientists claim the climate catastrophe is fear-mongering by politics“
The widely read Bild will follow with the rest of the series in the days ahead. In part I today Bild presents “What the IPCC of the UN doesn’t tell you.” Bild asks “what if the IPCC is wrong? Can we really blindly trust these experts? Are they really independent?”
Bild then writes:
The phenomenal prognoses of heat from the IPCC are pure fear-mongering.”
The Bild series is sure to cause radical environmentalists to seethe and lash out. Expect an all-out assault in the days and weeks ahead. Already the reaction from activists has been swift and virulent – though they have yet to read the book.
They never wanted the debate – and now the dam has broken
And the floods of skepticism are sweeping over the country. Worse, Germany’s flagship weekly news magazine Der Spiegel today also featured a 4-page exclusive interview with Vahrenholt, where he repeated that the IPCC has ignored a large part of climate science and that IPCC scientists exaggerated the impact of CO2 on climate. Vahrenholt said that by extending the known natural cycles of the past into the future, and taking CO2?s real impact into effect, we should expect a few tenths of a degree of cooling.
At a press conference today in Berlin, Vahrenholt, Lüning and publisher Hoffmann & Campe introduced the book and answered reporters’ questions. When asked why Hoffmann & Campe decided to publish “such a book”, the spokesman simply answered that the time is right – and there’s a real audience for the book. Even the weather timing was right! Germany is now experiencing it’s worst cold snap in 26 years. That makes it hard to deny lack of warming.
It needs to be pointed out Vahrenholt and Lüning are not skeptics; they are lukewarmers who have not been able to find any evidence of a coming climate catastrophe. They believe that man should switch to renewables, but do so in a rational manner: “Work fast, but don’t hurry.”
Skeptic readers should not think that the book will fortify their existing skepticism of CO2 causing warming. The authors agree it does. but have major qualms about the assumed positive CO2-related feed-backs and believe the sun plays a far greater role in the whole scheme of things.
The book cites more than 800 sources – including the latest peer-reviewed literature. It includes more than 80 graphics that clearly illustrate that all is not well with the claims made by alarmist science. It is written so that laymen can easily digest the material and it provides a comprehensive overview of the science and where it stands today.
The book has also infuriated the AGW leadership in Germany. For example, academia. University of Osnabrück took the step of dis-inviting Professor Vahrenholt who was scheduled to give a speech on February 8. The University claimed that Vahrenholt’s skeptical views were “provocative”. Also the centre-left SPD party, where Vahrenholt is a member, has been deafeningly silent.
This cat is out of the bag – and it’s not going back in.
The authors have set up a website for Die kalte Sonne here.
Google translation iof the BILD article:
If the human race from a self-made climate catastrophe? Or is global warming just a big CO2 lie hysterical scientist? A team led by Hamburg’s former environmental minister Vahrenholt * are clear!
The air disaster was the invention of politicians and UN investigators weather! In truth, the sun was at least as responsible for the temperature fluctuations of the earth as CO2! Exclusive to IMAGE, the authors have summarized their theses.
Part 1: What conceals the IPCC of the UN
Climate horror warnings raining down on us: to heat waves, hurricanes, floods biblical plague the planet soon. Apocalyptic atmosphere! Even in school children get indoctrinated: All that we have our own brewed. From 2020 we will therefore developed world every year to pay 100 billion dollars to developing countries to redress alleged climate damage.
One thing is certain: In the last 150 years it has become warmer on our planet by 0.8 ° C manageable. The omniscient IPCC of the United Nations tells us that the warming almost entirely by the evil CO2 is created. And if our emissions have already been in debt almost a degree of global warming, would then end of the century soon to come a few more degrees.
What if the UN organization is wrong? Can we trust these experts really blind, they are really independent?
Who checks the facts just come to a different result: Fewer than half of the current warming of 0.8 ° C is probably on the account of man. With the other half we have to do absolutely nothing!
Because the main culprit in climate variability, our dear sun!
While the sun shines very evenly. Evenly to produce in our large climate fluctuations. But the sun has sunspots. Sometimes it is very active and has many great spots that pose a strong magnetic field. Sometimes they have few and very small. This happens in cycles of 11 years. There are other cycles, some last for centuries, while others last for millennia.
On Earth, the sun leaves behind traces of this activity. In that the active sun attenuates significantly with their magnetic fields incident from space cosmic radiation. These tracks can be traced by analyzes of soil layers over many millennia. And they proved the Earth’s climate has changed: When the sun was only weakly active, remained our planet cool. And whenever the sun’s activity “aufdrehte” warmed the earth – long before humans could shoot up the CO2 in the atmosphere.
1000 years ago as the solar activity for several centuries was much stronger than before. While this “medieval warm period” it was so warm that Greenland Vikings (“grassland”) occupy, there was an agricultural farm. But a few hundred years later, the sun turned during the “Little Ice Age” down a few gears. On Earth, made wide icy cold. The Viking settlements in Greenland perished miserably. In Europe, there were massive crop failures. Hunger and disease took spreads. The Thames was frozen over many winters.
The question is: How much does the Sun have contributed to global warming over the last centuries? Verified: the activity has increased sharply since 1700, reached in the two cycles prior to 1995, even the highest for 400 years!
Pure chance say the climate experts from the UN. Without further ado, they ignored the solar activity in its climate calculations. And so, for example, ignored the findings of the Danish physicist and climate researcher Professor Henrik Svensmark. He found strong evidence that the clouds on the Earth in time to remove the solar activity and virtually form a remote-controlled by the solar radiation shield. In my own work, which were motivated by Svensmark, I found further evidence for the climate relevance of solar activity.
And it gets even worse: Leading Solar physicists have found that the activity of our parent orb decreases rapidly for about 15 years – and will continue to decline until at least 2030.
So we slide into a decade-long lull sun.
And we come in good time For they will neutralize the CO2 warming for quite a while and bring our world probably a cooling phase. Not until 2040 could again be warmer. And then by 2100, temperatures may rise to around six months to a degree.
One thing is clear: On the other hand, we should do something. The path away from oil / gas / coal to renewable energy is more correct!
But the excessive heat forecasts of the IPCC is pure fear mongering!
* “The Cold Sun”, published by Hoffmann and Campe, 448 pp., € 24.99
Global warming is a scam:
– Prof. Ian Plimer: ‘How To Get Expelled From School’
– Former Australian PM John Howard Supports ‘Anti-Global Warmist Manual’ For Kids (ABC News)
– Hypocrite Warning: Climate Change Minister Charles Hendry Buys Castle With 16 Bathrooms … And A Massive Carbon Footprint (Daily Mail)
– Brazilian Meteorologist Prof. Luiz Carlos Molion: World Headed For Global Cooling (Ice Age Now)
– The Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary – Full Length)
– Top Russian Scientist Predicts 100 Years Of Global Cooling
– Lying, Cheating Climate Scientists Caught Lying, Cheating Again (Telegraph)
– Sun’s Ultraviolet Light Could Explain The Coming Mini Ice Age (BBC News)
– Britain Faces Mini Ice Age That Could Last For Decades (Daily Express)
– Global Warming Fraud: Iconic Polar Bear On Melting Ice Cap A Hoax (Natural News)
– The Great Sea Level Humbug: There Is No Alarming Sea Level Rise! (Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner)
– 10 Reasons To Be Cheerful About The Coming New Ice Age (Telegraph)
– Scientists Admit Climate Cooled In The LAST DECADE, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China (Activist Post)
– Carbon Scam Tax Will Change Our World (Telegraph)
– 70 Trillion Cubic Feet of NEW ARTIC ICE ( Modern Survival Blog)
– On The Current State Of Climate Science: Unequivocal Equivocation – An Open Letter To Dr. Trenberth (What’s Up With That?)
– Warmists Plot Secretly to Kill off The Medieval Warming Period Again (Telegraph)
– Professor Harold Lewis: ‘Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud I Have Seen In My Long Life’ (Telegraph)
– Kiwigate: Global Warming Scam Revealed in Court (Suite 101)
– Dr Rajendra Pachauri’s charity accounts ‘ANOMALIES’ (Telegraph)
– Global Cooling and the New World Order (Telegraph):
“The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.”
Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.
– Leading Scientist Warns of Ice Age: ‘Most of Europe Will Be Under Ice’
– Met Office blocked role of leading scientist in ‘hockey stick’ climate change row
– Godfrey Bloom Exposes the Global Warming Scam (European Parliament, Strasbourg, 20.01.2010)
– Lord Christopher Monckton reports on Pachauri’s eye opening Copenhagen presentation
– Top Scientist: Rise of Sea Levels is ‘The Greatest Lie Ever Told’
– Prof. Ian Clark: ‘Rises in C02 lag 800 years behind temperature rises!’ – You will pay taxes for nothing! (!)
– Climate crunch: David Bellamy on global warming fraud
– Study: CO2 levels remained constant since 1850! (University of Bristol) (!)
– What happened to global warming? The warmest year recorded globally was 1998 (BBC News)
– Global Warming Expert Prof. Latif: Earth has not warmed for nearly a decade and that we are likely entering “one or even two decades during which temperatures cool.” (The Calgary Herald)
– Solar Physicist Predicts Ice Age: “SOLAR CYCLE 24 HAS NOW GONE CLEARLY BELOW DALTON LEVEL.” (The Examiner)
– The Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary)
– Ron Paul: Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists (Lew Rockwell)
– NASA Study: Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Gobal Warming (DailyTech)
– Global warming alarmists out in cold (Herald Sun)
– Nobody listens to the real climate change experts (Telegraph)
– Climate ‘denial’ is now a mental disorder (Telegraph)
– Japan’s boffins: Global warming isn’t man-made (The Register)
– Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for fraud (Video)
– World is getting colder: It’s the sun, not CO2, that’s to blame (Washington Times)
– Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists (Daily Mail)
– Scientists find greenhouse gas hysteria to be myth (World Net Daily)
– 2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved (Telegraph)
– Army: Sun, Not Man, Is Causing Climate Change (Wired)
– World might be heading towards Ice Age (Economic Times)
– Flashback: David Ballamy: ‘BBC shunned Me For Denying Man-Made Global Warming’ (Daily Express)
– Climategate: Inventor of Mann-made global warming feels the heat
– Climategate: New Revelations
– Climategate: Dr. Michael Mann Threatens Lawsuit Over Satirical YouTube Video
– Climategate: The Parliamentary Cover-Up Exposed (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Two More Bricks Fall Out Of The IPCC Wall Of Deceit – Rainforests And Polar Bears (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Michael Mann’s Very Unhappy ‘Whistleblower’ New Year (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Al Gore spews the usual utter nonsense but this time no one believes him (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Which part of ‘over’ don’t these people understand? – A quick idiot’s guide to why Climategate does matter (Telegraph)
– Climategate and the Tiger Woods Index; Al Gore cancels Copenhagen speaking event (Telegraph)
– Climategate: It’s all unravelling now! (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Follow the Money (The Wall Street Journal)
– Climategate scandal claims its first big political scalp (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Googlegate?! (Telegraph)
– Lord Cristopher Monckton on Climategate: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore
– Climategate: This is the worst scientific scandal of our generation (Telegraph)
– Climategate: The great climate change science scandal (The Times)
– Climategate Scandal: The Whitewash Begins (Telegraph)
– Lord Christopher Monckton on Climategate: ‘They Are Criminals’
– Climategate: George Monbiot – aka the Great Moonbat – makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire (Telegraph)
– Climategate: Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories (RT)
– Climategate on Lateline: Private climate documents hacked, published
– Climategate Bombshell: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails
– Climategate: The Day Science Died (TBR)
– Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science (Telegraph)
– Climategate: CRU director admits the emails flying all over the internet appear to be genuine (Herald Sun)
– Climategate: The Final Nail in The Coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?! (Telegraph)
Follow the money and the New World Order:
– £500 On Electricity Bills to Pay For Green Energy Scam
– Who Will Profit From The UN Forest Protection Scheme? Big Oil Companies And The Banksters
– Al Gore’s Enormous Carbon Footprint
– UK: Climate Change Act has the biggest ever bill (Telegraph)
– EU President Herman Van Rompuy Announces 2009 as ‘First Year of Global Governance’
– Al Gore could become world’s first carbon billionaire
So global warming is really about the elite finding more ways to take away your freedom and your money!
– 10:10 – No Pressure (Fascism We Can Take A Bath In!)
– Build-A-Bear: The Sinister Green Plot to Turn Our Kids Into Eco-Fascist Manchurian Candidates
– Insane British Government Global Warming Ad: Panic, Little Ones, It’s The Carbon Monster
In the news:
– What the Chinese really think of ‘Man-Made Global Warming’
– Argentina Has Colder Winter Than Antartica, Spurring Record Energy Imports
– Peru Declares State Of Emergency Amid Freezing Temperatures, Hundreds Of Children Die
– Mongolia: Winter of ‘White Death’ Devastated Nomads’ Way of Life
– Mongolian herders lost millions of animals because of extreme cold
– Spain: Heaviest Snowfall in Decades Leaves 250,000 Without Power
– Met Office: British winter was the coldest for 31 years
– US ‘Snowmageddon’: Hundreds of Thousands Remain Without Power in Washington DC
– Florida: Manatees die in record numbers from cold
– Florida Freeze Destroys Estimated 70% of Southwest Vegetable Crop
– UK: Gas supply rationed as temperature drops to -21C
– Winter Chaos Around The World
– Beijing and Seoul Hit by Heaviest Snow in More Than Half Century
– Britain is facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict
– NCDC: 250 Snowfall Records So Far In 2009; This December Shapes Up to be the Coldest on Record
– US Blizzard: Christmas Misery for Millions; Oklahoma State of Emergency (Video)
– Blizzard Blasts Eastern US: Hundreds of Thousands of Homes Without Power
– Snowing on Copenhagen’s Global Warmist Parade
– US East Coast faces severe winter storm
– US ‘Monster’ Winter Storm Resembles Wintery Hurricane With Blizzard Conditions
– US: Cheyenne records snowiest October on record
– Autumn record-setting snowstorm wallops Rockies, Plains
– US: Freak Summer Storm Dumps Snow in Yonkers
Nature knows exactly how to deal with CO2:
If you really want to change the climate on this planet then:
– Environment: Solar plant yields water and crops from the desert