Military-Led Investigation Finds US Taxpayer Money Funneled To The Taliban


Nato admits mistakenly supplying arms and food to Taliban

U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes (Washington Post, July 25, 2011):

A year-long military-led investigation has concluded that U.S. taxpayer money has been indirectly funneled to the Taliban under a $2.16 billion transportation contract that the United States has funded in part to promote Afghan businesses.

The unreleased investigation provides seemingly definitive evidence that corruption puts U.S. transportation money into enemy hands, a finding consistent with previous inquiries carried out by Congress, other federal agencies and the military. Yet U.S. and Afghan efforts to address the problem have been slow and ineffective, and all eight of the trucking firms involved in the work remain on U.S. payroll. In March, the Pentagon extended the contract for six months.

According to a summary of the investigation results, compiled in May and reviewed by The Washington Post, the military found “documented, credible evidence .?.?. of involvement in a criminal enterprise or support for the enemy” by four of the eight prime contractors. Investigators also cited cases of profiteering, money laundering and kickbacks to Afghan power brokers, government officials and police officers. Six of the companies were found to have been associated with “fraudulent paperwork and behavior.”

“This goes beyond our comprehension,” said Rep. John F. Tierney (D-Mass.), who last summer was chairman of a House oversight subcommittee that charged that the military was, in effect, supporting a vast protection racket that paid insurgents and corrupt middlemen to ensure safe passage of the truck convoys that move U.S. military supplies across Afghanistan.

The military summary included several case studies in which money was traced from the U.S. Treasury through a labyrinth of subcontractors and power brokers. In one, investigators followed a $7.4 million payment to one of the eight companies, which in turn paid a subcontractor, who hired other subcontractors to supply trucks.

The trucking subcontractors then made deposits into an Afghan National Police commander’s account, already swollen with payments from other subcontractors, in exchange for guarantees of safe passage for the convoys. Intelligence officials traced $3.3 million, withdrawn in 27 transactions from the commander’s account, that was transferred to insurgents in the form of weapons, explosives and cash.

Just a few more numbers:

Total Cost Of Illegal Wars In Iraq, Afghanistan And Pakistan At Last $3.7 Trillion And Counting

Air Conditioning Afghanistan Troops Costs $20 Billion Per Year – Cost Of One Soldier Is $1 Million A Year – Hotel California

US Spends 511 Million Dollars on Embassy Expansion in Afghanistan

US officials puzzle over millions of dollars in cash, well over $1 billion a year, leaving Afghanistan by plane for Dubai

International Fund to Buy Off Taliban Leaders in Afghanistan Will Cost Hundreds of Millions

Afghanistan Surge to Cost At Least $40 Billion, That Is $1.333.333 For One US Soldier Per Year

Why we fight:

Study Finds Mineral Deposits Worth $3 Trillion in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Discovers 1.8 Billion Barrel Oilfield

Seymour Hersh: Many Within Joint Special Operations Command ‘Are All Members Of, Or At Least Supporters Of, Knights Of Malta’, ‘Many Of Them Are Members of Opus Dei’ … ‘It’s A Crusade, Literally’

Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to Uzbekistan for extreme torture, to be ‘raped with broken bottles,’ ‘boiled alive’ and ‘having their children tortured in front of them’

“The consultant who was organizing this for Unocal was a certain Mr. Karzai, who is now president of Afghanistan,” Murray noted.

Murray said part of the motive in hyping up the threat of Islamic terrorism in Uzbekistan through forced confessions was to ensure the country remained on-side in the war on terror, so that the pipeline could be built.

“There are designs of this pipeline, and if you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan, as against other NATO country forces in Afghanistan, you’ll see that undoubtedly the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It’s what it’s about. It’s about money, it’s about oil, it’s not about democracy.”

Not to forget record opium harvests…

CIA, Heroin Still Rule Day in Afghanistan:

Afghanistan now supplies over 90 percent of the world’s heroin, generating nearly $200 billion in revenue. Since the U.S. invasion on Oct. 7, 2001, opium output has increased 33-fold (to over 8,250 metric tons a year).

…and preparations for WW III as planned by the elitists.

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