Tiananmen: The Massacre That Wasn’t

H/t reader squodgy:

“Is there anything we have been told which is true?”

Tank set on fire by protesters outside of Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989

Tiananmen: the massacre that wasn’t (Liberation, June 4, 2014):

What really happened 25 years ago in Tiananmen Square?

Twenty-five years ago today, every U.S. media outlet, along with then President Bush and the U.S. Congress were whipping up a full scale frenzied hysteria and attack against the Chinese government for what was described as the cold-blooded massacre of many thousands of non-violent “pro-democracy” students who had occupied Tiananmen Square for seven weeks.

The hysteria generated about the Tiananmen Square “massacre” was based on a fictitious narrative about what actually happened when the Chinese government finally cleared the square of protestors on June 4, 1989.

The demonization of China was highly effective. Nearly all sectors of U.S. society, including most of the “left,” accepted the imperialist presentation of what happened.

Read moreTiananmen: The Massacre That Wasn’t