I’ve been informed about this situation by a German student in Stuttgart.
Peaceful protesters were attacked with pepper spray, tear gas and water guns.
Hundreds of protesters were injured, some by police horses!
50 protesters
The police attacked children!
One protester died of a heart attack.
Sources say that the police force strength is/will be: 15,000!
The majority of protesters are pupils and students. One (elder) protester in the video (link in the article below) said that the police is provoking the people with tear gas and water guns until somebody throws the first stone (usually undercover cops, like at G20 & G8 summits).
Stuttgart 21 is just a small part of the plan of the elitists to bankrupt Germany and all other (former) wealthy countries, to destroy the middle class everywhere and present the New World Order as the only solution to the problems, that they, the elite criminals, created in the first place.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.”
– John Adams“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts.”
– Henry Ford“I place the economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers.”
– Thomas Jefferson
This is the rise of the police state, the New World Order and the fascist world government.
Wake up people!
See also:
– Police State: Germany: Stuttgart 21 – Forced Eviction: Civil War at the ‘Schlossgarten’ (Pictures)
“Stuttgart 21” – Räumung
Bürgerkrieg im Schlossgarten
Watch the video here: Spiegel
Es regnet Tränengas. Kinder, Schüler, alte Frauen und Männer fallen übereinander, werden hochgehoben und dorthin geschleppt, wo der scharfe Strahl der Wasserwerfer nicht mehr hinreicht. Manche Gesichter sind blutüberströmt, die Augen brennen höllisch, der Atem wird knapp. Szenen wie in Wackersdorf, sagen ältere Semester, die über einschlägige Demo-Erfahrungen verfügen. Aber es ist nicht Wackersdorf, es ist der Stuttgarter Schlossgarten, die gute Stube der Schwaben, in der sie sonntags mit ihren Kindern spielen.
Read moreGermany: Stuttgart 21 – Forced Eviction: Civil War at the ‘Schlossgarten’ (Der Spiegel)