– Only four out of 2429 refugees in Dutch city of Rotterdam have full-time jobs. 95% is on welfare:
Honderden vluchtelingen hebben sinds 2015 een huis gekregen in Rotterdam. 95 procent leeft van een uitkering https://t.co/qIEupuBcvw
— AD Rotterdams Dagblad (@RDStad) November 24, 2017
On 24 November, Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD) published an article on the influx of asylum-seekers into the city of Rotterdam. In the past two years, the city has housed 2.429 asylum-seekers, 80 more than it was obligated to do by law. Next year, it will be allowed to house 80 people less. Of those 2.429, 95% lives on social benefits, representing almost 5% of the total amount of people on benefits in Rotterdam.