The Tucson Shooting: Jared Lee Loughner Takes Plea – GAME OVER! – Another Patsy Bites The Dust … (Veterans Today)

The Tucson Shooting: Jared Lee Loughner takes plea — GAME OVER! (Veterans Today, Nov 9, 2012):

Another patsy bites the dust… Facts covered-up or not released about Jared Lee Loughner that you should have heard if he would have gone to trial.

[NOTE: This article originally appeared in The Government Rag on 8 August 2012, but it is far too important not to share with readers of Veterans Today.]

Texe Marrs: Shooter Jared Lee Loughner Is A Jewish Satan Worshipper (And Possibly A Manchurian Candidate)

I have selected parts of Texe Marrs’ article.

This are his views and not necessarily the views of Infinite Unknown.

It is very likely that Jared Lee Loughner is a Manchurian Candidate.

Now the elite will use this staged event to destroy what is left of your constitutional rights.

How are the chances that somebody likes

‘Mein Kampf’ AND ‘The Communist Manifesto’ ???

(Usually only the elitists love both books.)

Tip from a reader:

Citizens For Legitimate Government:

Oh, here we go. The alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner –middle name now added. of course: ‘He lists among his favorite books ‘Mein Kampf’ and ‘The Communist Manifesto’. Now I know it’s bullsh*t. NO ONE who likes ‘Mein Kampf’ is going to like ‘The Communist Manifesto.’ In his YouTube video, he talks about mind control and brainwashing. He was a military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix. In the classic 2007 political thriller, ‘Shooter,’ the name of the protagonist — claimed to be the assassin, but wasn’t? Bob Lee Swagger. *False flag.*

Jared Lee Loughner hated God and loved death.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

The tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others and the killing of six of those victims by murderer Jared Lee Loughner has produced a flurry of news reports. Most of them, regrettably, are biased and incomplete, which is characteristic of the liberal, left wing media.

Predictably the media wildly attempted to paint the heartless killer as some type of a “gun-loving, conservative, tea party nut…” or worse.

I have seen and evaluated the evidence and have come away with a very clear and unmistakable understanding of who this troubled maniac is and why he did what he did. My analysis contrasts sharply with that of the controlled press.

Loughner Is a Jewish Satan Worshipper

According to one media source, Jared Lee Loughner is a Satan worshipper. New York’s Daily News published photos of a “Devil shrine” and altar found in the Loughner family’s back yard of their home in suburban Tucson. What appear to be sinister candles, a skull, and other paraphernalia are all shown there in photos. The Daily News used words like “chilling,” “sinister,” “twisted,” and “frightening” to describe what was found by investigators.

Over the years I have investigated almost all the criminal cases of mass killers and assassins, and in virtually every case, I found the same things. Just as with Jared Lee Loughner, all the killers were involved in some form of Satanic worship as well as being crazed fans of heavy metal rock music. As we shall see, Loughner was a hard-core heavy metal music addict.

As reported in the New York Daily News, this sinister Devil’s shrine was found in the backyard of killer Jared Lee Loughner’s Tucson home.

Regarding Loughner’s reported worship of Satan, after carefully examining the photos of what the New York Daily News called a “shrine” to the devil, I realized that once again the media only told half the truth.

This “shrine,” made up of a brick altar and a tent-like surrounding structure, appears to be what the Jews call a “Sukkot booth.” It is part of the Jews’ seven-day Feast of Booths (also called the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot).

During Sukkot, the Jews build fragile outdoor “booths,” or shacks, to resemble the ancient, primitive housing of the Jewish tribes. They set up an altar and “invite” seven of Israel’s long-dead patriarchs to come and be their guests. Of course, this is necromancy, communication with the dead. The book of Ecclessiastes is read and the themes of death and vanity (“all is vanity”) are emphasized. Thus we find the death skull and candles displayed on the altar of the Sukkot booth in the Loughner’s backyard.

At left is the New York Daily News photo of the Sukkot booth erected in the Loughner backyard. At right are similar primitive booths that were erected in Israel by Jews during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). (Wikipedia photo by Yoninah) (Click on images to enlarge.)

Now, I suspect that the New York newspaper knew that this shrine and altar was used for Shabbat Sukkot, the Festival, or Feast of Booths. However, the newspaper wanted the sensational accusations of Loughner being a Satanist firmly lodged in the minds of Americans. The media obviously do not want us to know that Loughner is not only a Jew but that the Loughner family are fanatical Jews who go to extreme lengths in celebrating Sukkot. In this instance, the media may have outdone itself because now, due to the exposures in this article, many will discover not only that the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, is Jewish, but that Sukkot, one of the most popular of Judaism’s holy periods, is Satanic in nature. It might also be noted that Michael Hoffman, in his classic exposé, Judaism Discovered, covers Sukkot and all the Jewish holy days and provides evidence that the rabbis have saturated their religious rituals with occultism that comes straight from pagan Babylon.

Loughner Is a Jewish Liberal

On his internet Facebook page, Loughner says that in addition to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, among his most favorite books are The Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, Siddhartha, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Aesop’s Fables, Plato’s Republic, Fahrenheit 451, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Peter Pan.

Quite a varied selection there. Loughner’s naming of The Communist Manifesto suggests the killer is a died-in-the-wool radical and a Communist.

On the other hand, Hitler’s Mein Kampf was also on Loughner’s reading list, which naturally sent the liberal news media on a tear in a vain attempt to portray the murderer as a “radical right-winger or Hitler lover“ That doesn’t wash, however, because everyone who knew the young man described Loughner as a “left-winger and a liberal.”

Some in the media theorized that Loughner was an “anti-Semite.” This theory was based on the fact that Congresswoman Giffords, whom he shot, is a Jew. But, as it turns out, Jared Lee Loughner is himself a Jew. He listed himself as “Jewish” on his MySpace internet page. His mother, Amy, is a Jew. That little factoid is something the mass media conveniently omitted. Indeed, the surname “Loughner” is Jewish in origin, and the meaning of the name “Jared,” in the Jewish Name Dictionary, is “Hebrew Descent.”

It is also a fact that nowhere in his postings on the internet does Loughner indicate a shred of anti-Semitic sentiment. The words “Zionism” or “Israel” are not mentioned, nor does Loughner discuss the hot button of immigration, a favorite theme of Jewish legislators. Noteworthy is that Congresswoman Giffords voted for the “Dream Act” and supported other legislation favoring illegal immigration.

Loughner is a Liberal, Left-Winger

On the same Facebook page, Loughner listed only one political columnist whose work he enjoyed reading—Ben Smith, a liberal who writes for the pro-Democrat Party internet site, Politico.

Jared Lee Loughner also published on the internet pictures of the burning of the American flag and spoke disrespectfully of the U.S. Constitution. Conservatives and Tea Party people would never do that.

Read moreTexe Marrs: Shooter Jared Lee Loughner Is A Jewish Satan Worshipper (And Possibly A Manchurian Candidate)